
Repository containing data and code for processing 1000G data

Primary LanguageR

1000G Data Processing

Repository containing data and code for processing 1000G data

Association vs Allele Frequency differences (build 38)

A script Assoc_P_vs_AF_Diffs.R and dataset containing sparse matrices of allele frequency differences within the 5 broad genetic ancestral groups (AFR, AMR, EAS, EUR, SAS).

** Ancestry-specific matrices yet to be provided **

R libraries required: data.table, r2r, ggplot2, optparse.

Help using this R script call be called using -h or --help

Rscript Assoc_P_vs_AF_Diffs.R -h

Usage: Assoc_P_vs_AF_Diffs.R [options]

	-s STUDY, --study=STUDY
		study name (no spaces) (required)

	-g GWAS, --gwas=GWAS
		REGENIE results filename (required)

	-a ANCESTRY, --ancestry=ANCESTRY
		Genetic ancestry of study: AFR|AMR|EAS|EUR|SAS (required)

	-r REFDIR, --refdir=REFDIR
		Main directory holding 1000G frequency data (required)

	-o OUTDIR, --outdir=OUTDIR
		Output directory for results. Default: ./

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit

Example command:

Rscript Assoc_P_vs_AF_Diffs.R \
  --study     MY_STUDY \
  --gwas      gwas_results.txt \
  --ancestry  EUR \
  -r          /path/to/1000g_build38_pop_freq_diffs_by_subancestry/ \
  -o          /path/to/output/directory/

Allele Frequency Differences (build 38)

Differences in allele frequencies across the 5 super-ancestries and 26 sub-ancestries in the 1000G Project have been calculated for 78,122,255 autosomal variants in 2,584 indivuals.

Data is stored in a Zenodo repo here: https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.11635380

The data is split by chromosome with the file extensions .pop, .var, .bin. The file specification can be found here.

An example Python script and SNP list for lookup have been provided for use. For example, to lookup frequency differences of the subset of 12,111 height variants published in Yengo et al on chromosome 1 across ancestral groups in the 1000G project, the following command can be used:

  python GetFreqDiffs.py \
    --freq-diffs 1000g_build38_pop_freq_diffs_1 \
    --vars 12111_height_snps.txt \
    --out 12111_height_snps_1000g_freq_diffs_1.txt