
Assignment 1 for the course "Language Analytics" at Aarhus University. Solution by Anton Drasbæk Schiønning.

Primary LanguagePython

Assignment 1: Linguistic Analysis

Repository Overview

  1. Description
  2. Repository Tree
  3. Usage
  4. Modified Usage
  5. Example of Results


This repository is the solution by Anton Drasbæk Schiønning (202008161) to assignment 1 in the course "Language Analytics" at Aarhus University.

It sets out to conduct a lingustic analysis on the USECorpus dataset. This dataset contains a collection of essays from the English department at Uppsala University in Sweden. For more information, check the readme in the in directory. This lingustic analysis is set up to utilize a spaCy model and extract the following information for each text in the corpus:

  • Relative frequency counts of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs per 10K words in the text.
  • The number of unique persons, locations and organizations in the text.

Repository Tree

├── README.md
├── assign_desc.md
├── in
│   ├── USEcorpus    <---- the Uppsala Student English Corpus dataset
│   │   ├── a1
│   │   │   ├── 0100.a1.txt   <---- example of text file to be analyzed
│   │   │   ├── 0101.a1.txt
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   ├── 5022.a1.txt
│   │   │   └── 5031.a1.txt
│   │   ├── a2
│   │   ├── a3
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── b8
│   │   └── c1
│   └── README.md
├── out
│   ├── a1.csv      <---- analysis of all txt files in a1 in-folder
│   ├── a2.csv
│   ├── ...
│   ├── b8.csv
│   └── c1.csv
├── requirements.txt
├── run.sh
├── setup.sh
└── src
    └── main.py   <---- script for completing full lingustic analysis           


Running the analysis only assumes that you have Python3 installed and clone this repository. To run the full analysis, execute the run file from the root directory of the project as such:

bash run.sh

This will complete the following steps:

  1. Create and activate a virtual environment
  2. Install requirements to that environment
  3. Install the SpaCy model
  4. Run the analysis script
  5. Deactivate the environment

The results are saved to the out directory, structured as seen on the repository tree.

Modified Usage


The analysis can also be run part-by-part which enables the usage of different SpaCy models. To achieve this, firstly run the setup shell script:

bash setup.sh

This creates a virtual environment, installs requirements and downloads the following SpaCy Models: en_core_web_md, en_core_web_sm and en_core_web_trf. If you wish to use another SpaCy model than those three, please install it as such:

python3 -m spacy download <INSERT MODEL NAME>

Run Modified Analysis

With the setup complete, you can use the --model arugment for main.py to specify which SpaCy model should be used:

# run analysis with small model instead of medium
python3 src/main.py --model "en_core_web_sm"

Again, results will be saved to out.

Example of Results

The full results for the analysis are found in the out folder. An example of results for the text files in the b7 folder is seen below, the rest of the files have the same general structure

Filename RelFreq NOUN RelFreq VERB RelFreq ADJ RelFreq ADV Unique PER Unique LOC Unique ORG
0106.b7.txt 1763 1258 835 515 0 1 0
0107.b7.txt 1633 1081 1036 541 0 1 6
0137.b7.txt 2109 965 816 348 4 1 2
0151.b7.txt 1934 1075 910 442 2 0 2
0157.b7.txt 1271 1224 882 588 5 1 1
0158.b7.txt 1838 1230 738 492 1 1 0
0178.b7.txt 1979 1022 949 716 4 0 3
0185.b7.txt 1815 1156 822 619 1 0 0
0186.b7.txt 1714 1095 738 643 0 0 1
0198.b7.txt 2025 1080 810 503 0 0 2
0219.b7.txt 2095 1002 1014 586 1 1 0
0223.b7.txt 1982 1041 862 448 0 0 1
0224.b7.txt 2102 1030 948 316 1 1 1
0238.b7.txt 1688 1186 716 556 1 0 2
0318.b7.txt 2077 913 820 516 1 0 0