cyberByte_Crollet ⭐

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Table of Contents

Description 📄

We are in a time where Crytocurrencies play a major role in our future development with some beneficial opportunity like transaction speed, transaction cost and easy access to a wide range. Crypto poppularity has been increasing drasticly the last couple of years creating such a great opportunity for investmet. We created cyberByte Crollet with the porpuse of making all these Cryptocurrencies information available to all our users. 

User Story 📖

Projects have played a key role in our journey to becoming a full-stack web developer. As you apply for development jobs, your portfolio is absolutely vital to opening doors to opportunities. Your portfolio showcases high-quality deployed examples of your work, and you can use your finished projects for that very purpose.

This project is a fantastic opportunity to show employers your collaborative skills and coding abilities, especially in the context of a scalable, user-focused MERN app. Remember that employers want to see what you can do, but they also want to see how you work with other developers. The more examples of deployed collaborative work you have in your portfolio, the more likely you are to get an interview and a job.

Project Requierments 👋

Project Requirements were to to create a MERN stack single-page application that works with real-world data to solve a real-world challenge, with a focus on user demand:

- Use React for the front end.
- Using GraphQL with a Node.js and Express.js server.
- Using MongoDB and the Mongoose ODM for the database.
- Use queries and mutations for retrieving, adding, updating, and deleting data.
- Be deployed using Heroku (with data).
- Have a polished UI.
- Be responsive.
- Be interactive (i.e., accept and respond to user input).
- Include authentication (JWT).
- Protect sensitive API key information on the server.
- Have a clean repository that meets quality coding standards (file structure, naming conventions, best practices for class and id naming conventions, indentation, high-quality comments, etc.).
- Have a high-quality README (with unique name, description, technologies used, screenshot, and link to deployed application).

Deployment 🚀

Wireframe 📝


To install both client and server dependencies:

npm run install

Contributing ❤

✉️ Contact us with any questions: