
You have access to a database of student_scores in the format of a dictionary. The keys in student_scores are the names of the students and the values are their exam scores.

Write a program that converts their scores to grades. By the end of your program, you should have a new dictionary called student_grades that should contain student names for keys and their grades for values.

The final version of the student_grades dictionary will be checked.

DO NOT modify lines 1-7 to change the existing student_scores dictionary.

DO NOT write any print statements.

This is the scoring criteria:

Scores 91 - 100: Grade = "Outstanding"

Scores 81 - 90: Grade = "Exceeds Expectations"

Scores 71 - 80: Grade = "Acceptable"

Scores 70 or lower: Grade = "Fail"

Expected Output

'{'Harry': 'Exceeds Expectations', 'Ron': 'Acceptable', 'Hermione': 'Outstanding', 'Draco': 'Acceptable', 'Neville': 'Fail'}'


Remember that looping through a Dictionary will only give you the keys and not the values.

If in doubt as to why your code is not doing what you expected, you can always print out the intermediate values.