
Figures out in what order to load your ExtJs app files and removes requires: [...].

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Uses static analysis to figure out in what order to load your ExtJs app files.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-extjs-dependencies --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "extjs_dependencies" task


The task scans files for Ext.define calls (as well as some other things), parses out dependencies and saves a copy of each file with any requires: [...] removed in a temp dir.

Paths will be preserved in the temp output, based on rootDir and realtive paths in src.

Make sure classes and dependencies are defined and declared in a manner the task understands, or bad things will happen! Read more below.

After the task has run, extjs_dependencies_{TARGET NAME} will contain the list of ordered dependencies. This can then be passed to concat, uglify, etc. See example below.

In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named extjs_dependencies to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  extjs_dependencies: {
    options: {
      rootDir: 'path/to/js/project',
      src: [{ path: 'vendor/', parse: false }, 'app/'],
      excludeClasses: ['Ext.*', 'MyApp.some.Class'],
      skipParse: ['**/app/ux/SkipMe.js'],
      resolveFrom: 'MyApp.js'



Type: String Default value: process.cwd()

Sets the project root. This is used to calculate realtive paths when copying stripped files to the temp dir.


Type: Array

These paths will be added to the "classpath", meaning all contained files will be scanned for ExtJs class definitions, unless the parse: false option is passed.

Paths can be passed either as strings or as objects containing a path property and a parse boolean, indicating wether or not the task should try to extract class data from the contained files. Set this to false when adding non-Ext files to the classpath.


Type: Array Default: ['Ext.*']

Array of minimatch patterns. Any found class names matching any of these patterns will be excluded from the classpath.

The default value excludes all Ext classes, since the task is biased towards loading e pre-build version of Ext (e.g. from Sencha's CDN).


Type: Array Default: []

Array of file glob patterns. Any files matching any of these patterns will be excluded.

By default no files are excluded.


Type: String|Array

One or more file or class names, or paths, from where to begin resolving depencies. This should probably be your app's entry point (e.g. App.js).

Usage Examples

Default Options

The config below will add all JavaScript files in ./test/data/vendor and ./test/data/app to the classpath. Files under ./test/data/vendor will not be parsed.

All Ext classes will be excluded, as well as the exact class MyApp.mixin.Bar.

Dependencies will be resolved from MyApp.js. extjs_dependencies_dist will contain the ordered dependency list, which can be passed to other tasks (e.g. concat).

  extjs_dependencies: {
    dist: {
      options: {
        rootDir: './test/data',
        src: [{ path: 'vendor/', parse: false }, 'app/'],
        excludeClasses: ['Ext.*', 'MyApp.mixin.Bar'],
        resolveFrom: 'MyApp.js'

  concat: {
    dist: {
      src: ['<%= extjs_dependencies_dist %>'],
      dest: 'dist/app.js'


Classes are exptected to be defined using

Ext.define('MyApp.package.ClassName', { /* Class def */ })

Alternate class names are accepted via any of these methods

alternateClassName: ['OtherClassName', 'ThisIsTheSameClass']

alternateClassName: 'OtherClassName'

//@alternateClassName MyApp.ShortHandClassName

Dependencies are calculated by looking for any of these comments and annotations:

//@require MyApp.ClassName or path/to/file

requires: ['MyApp.ClassName']

uses: ['MyApp.ClassName']

extend: 'MyApp.SuperClassName'

mixins: ['MyApp.MixinA', 'MyApp.MixinB'] or { mixina: 'MyApp.MixinA', mixinb: 'MyApp.MixinB' }

models, views, controllers, stores: ['Users', 'MyApp.users.User']

Note: Running it against the ExtJs source does currently not work. This is because the dependency order in the ExtJs library relies on tags/annotations (e.g. @tag) other than the ones used in most ExtJs projects (e.g. requires: […], @require). One solution is to run this task on your own project JavaScript files only, and include a suitable minified version of ext-all.js, either self-served or via a CDN. This is not optimal but also not a prioritized problem to solve.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


  • Use more of grunt's built-in file utils
  • Reverse direction when walking AST
  • include/exclude patterns
  • Extract script tags from HTML, and maybe replace them with URL of concatenated files