
A small tool to generate an Android ContentProvider.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Android ContentProvider Generator

A small tool to generate an Android ContentProvider. It takes a set of entity (a.k.a "table") definitions as the input, and generates:

  • a ContentProvider class
  • a SQLiteOpenHelper class
  • one BaseColumns interface per entity
  • one CursorWrapper class per entity
  • one ContentValues class per entity
  • one Selection class per entity

How to use

The _config.json file

This is where you declare a few parameters that will be used to generate the code.

These are self-explanatory so here is an example:

	"toolVersion": "1.4",
	"projectPackage": "com.example.app",
	"providerPackage": "com.example.app.provider",
	"providerClassName": "ExampleProvider",
	"sqliteHelperClassName": "ExampleSQLiteOpenHelper",
	"authority": "com.example.app.provider",
	"databaseName": "example.db",
	"enableForeignKeys": true,

Entity files

Create one file per entity, naming it <entity name>.json. Inside each file, declare your fields (a.k.a "columns") with a name and a type. You can also optionally declare a default value, an index flag and a nullable flag.

Currently the type can be:

  • String (SQLite type: TEXT)
  • Integer (INTEGER)
  • Long (INTEGER)
  • Float (REAL)
  • Double (REAL)
  • Boolean (INTEGER)
  • Date (INTEGER)
  • byte[] (BLOB).

You can also optionally declare table contraints.

Here is a person.json file as an example:

	"fields": [
			"name": "first_name",
			"type": "String",
			"default_value": "John"
			"name": "last_name",
			"type": "String",
			"nullable": true,
			"default_value": "Doe"
			"name": "age",
			"type": "Integer",
			"index": true
	"constraints": [
			"name": "unique_name",
			"definition": "unique (first_name, last_name) on conflict replace"

A more complete example is available in the etc/sample folder.

The header.txt file (optional)

If a header.txt file is present, its contents will be inserted at the top of every generated java file.

Get the app

Download the jar from here: https://github.com/BoD/android-contentprovider-generator/releases/latest

Run the app

java -jar android-contentprovider-generator-1.4-bundle.jar -i <input folder> -o <output folder>

  • Input folder: where to find _config.json and your entity json files
  • Output folder: where the resulting files will be generated

Use the generated files

  • When querying a table, use the corresponding Selection class as shown in this example:
PersonSelection where = new PersonSelection();
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(PersonColumns.CONTENT_URI, projection,
        where.sel(), where.args(), null);
  • When using the results of a query, wrap the resulting Cursor in the corresponding CursorWrapper. You can then use the generated getters directly as shown in this example:
PersonCursorWrapper person = new PersonCursorWrapper(c);
String lastName = person.getLastName();
Long age = person.getAge();
  • When updating or inserting into a table, use the corresponding ContentValues class as shown in this example:
PersonContentValues values = new PersonContentValues();
context.getContentResolver().update(personUri, values.getContentValues(), null, null);


You need maven to build this app.

mvn package

This will produce android-contentprovider-generator-1.4-bundle.jar in the target folder.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Just to be absolutely clear, this license applies to this program itself, not to the source it will generate!