PurerlEx allows you to automatically compile purerl code with mix, both in mix compile
and with recompile
in iex -S mix
- All your non-dependency source files are in
relative to yourmix.exs
. These are the only places we look for changed files in (via mtime). - Your spago build outputs files in the
folder in the project root. - Your spago project is in the root of the mix project (
are in the same folder, not in sub-folders). - You have
on your path.
First install it by adding purerlex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:purerlex, "~> 0.5.0"}
Then run mix deps.get
in your console to fetch from Hex
Then add the :purerl
compiler to (the beginning of) the list of compilers and add "output"
to the erlc_paths
def project do
erlc_paths: ["output"], # purerl
compilers: [:purerl] ++ Mix.compilers(),
Optionally, for dev builds, you can add the :purserl
compiler instead and run a faster compiler fork from https://github.com/drathier/purserl/ .
Docs are also available at https://hexdocs.pm/purerlex.