
Docker compose for Drupal.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is an example of creating a Drupal project using docker-compose. In this project, common development and management tools such as Composer/Drush/Drupal-Console are used through the drupal integration. You can copy a few lines of command to easily set up a project, including the nginx/drupal/mariadb/adminer. The default drush command exec by drush-launcher, if you still want to use the drush 8, just use command drush8.

Easy to use.

Just need copy the sample file and customize some of the content, sush as changing the database password in the environment variable.

cp example.env .env
cp example.docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d

Create Drupal project

In order to avoid the loss of resources such as images in the website, it is highly recommended to mount all the contents of the website to the hard disk. Create projects using Composer

composer create-project drupal/recommended-project web/dp10 "^10.0" -vvv

Or copy a project from the Docker container

mkdir -p web
docker cp $(docker create dravenk/dp):/opt/drupal web/dp

Quick install drupal

You can use drush command to install drupal quickly after you run docker container. Replace password with the MARIADB_PASS password you set in the .env file.

docker exec -it dp drush si --db-url=mysql://root:password@mariadb/dp -vy
docker exec -it dp chmod 777 -R web/sites/default/files
docker exec -it dp drush cr

Directory structure

In this example, the files and directory structure are as follows.

.env                  // Environment variable files that hold content such as database passwords.
docker-compose.yml    //
    app.conf          // The nginx configuration file is responsible for representing the entire project
    ssl.conf          // The nginx configuration file is responsible for representing the entire project
    app.conf.example  // Configuration file, proxy to each specific application, if you don't need setup SSL, you can use this file.
    ssl.conf.example  // Recommended. If you need setup SSL, you can copy and customize this file.
    data              // Database content for your site

Enable SSL for drupal

Adding these config to settings.php

$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
$settings['reverse_proxy'] = TRUE;
$settings['reverse_proxy_addresses'] = array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);


If you want any users to use command docker instand of sudo docker, you can add them to the docker group as well, e.g.

sudo usermod -a -G docker <username>