
Drawing parallels to make AWS instance names more accessible

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Drawing parallels to make AWS instance names more accessible [AWS Docs] [Reference]

App Service

Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon Virtual Servers Host the bits of things you think of as a computer. http://www.linode.com, It's handwavy, but EC2 instances are similar to the virtual private servers you'd get at Linode, DigitalOcean or Rackspace.
Really Means Purpose Reference
Users, Keys and Certs Set up additional users, set up new AWS Keys and policies.
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon Unlimited FTP Server Store images and other assets for websites. Keep backups and share files between services. Host static websites. Also, many of the other AWS services write and read from S3.
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon Virtual Colocated Rack Overcome objections that "all our stuff is on the internet!" by adding an additional layer of security. Makes it appear as if all of your AWS services are on the same little network instead of being small pieces in a much bigger network. For the networking folks, this is like VLAN.
Really Means Purpose Reference
AWS App Scripts Run little self contained snippets of JS, Java or Python to do discrete tasks. Sort of a combination of a queue and execution in one. Used for storing and then executing changes to your AWS setup or responding to events in S3 or DynamoDB.

Web Developer Services

API Gateway
Really Means Purpose Reference
API Proxy Proxy your apps API through this so you can throttle bad client traffic, test new versions, and present methods more cleanly. 3Scale
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon SQL Be your app's Mysql, Postgres, and Oracle database. Heroku Postgres
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon DNS + Domains Buy a new domain and set up the DNS records for that domain. DNSimple, GoDaddy, Gandi
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon Transactional Email Send one-off emails like password resets, notifications, etc. You could use it to send a newsletter if you wrote all the code, but that's not a great idea. SendGrid, Mandrill, Postmark
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon CDN Make your websites load faster by spreading out static file delivery to be closer to where your users are. MaxCDN, Akamai
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon Fulltext Search Pull in data on S3 or in RDS and then search it for every instance of 'Jimmy.' Sphinx, Solr, ElasticSearch
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Amazon NoSQL Be your app's massively scalable key valueish store. MongoLab
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon Memcached Be your app's Memcached or Redis. Redis to Go, Memcachier
Elastic Transcoder
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon Beginning Cut Pro Deal with video weirdness (change formats, compress, etc.).
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon Queue Store data for future processing in a queue. The lingo for this is storing "messages" but it doesn't have anything to do with email or SMS. SQS doesn't have any logic, it's just a place to put things and take things out. RabbitMQ, Sidekiq
Really Means Purpose Reference
AWS Firewall Block bad requests to Cloudfront protected sites (aka stop people trying 10,000 passwords against /wp-admin) Sophos, Kapersky

Mobile App Development

Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon OAuth as a Service Give end users - (non AWS) - the ability to log in with Google, Facebook, etc. OAuth.io
Device Farm
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon Drawer of Old Android Devices Test your app on a bunch of different IOS and Android devices simultaneously.
MobileTest, iOS emulator
Mobile Analytics
Really Means Purpose Reference
N/A Track what people are doing inside of your app. Flurry
Really Means Purpose Reference
Amazon Messenger Send mobile notifications, emails and/or SMS messages UrbanAirship, Twilio

Ops and Code Deployment Services