Hi i am Drazox
Thanks for downloading my script!
What's this thing doing? Well its killing taskes wich is firefox/chrome and other useless windows things!
Used links https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/gta-v-fps-boost-settings-for-low-end-high-end/download/25975
Original script by AdamRyansah Show Some Love to him <3
My info: Discord - Drazox#7869 Github - https://github.com/drazoxXD
dev upddate 2.0 Some things kinde fucked at this point i heard that 20 players was banned. And i think i know what is the problem. And i think its the rundll32.exe what i actully put to idle mode. But dont worry, i will post another leak somewhere! Keep search for the leak i postedit on 15 discord servers. BTW the new 3.0 going to have the best launcher ever! Its going to be made with c# and a little bit of .bat files is going with that! But its going to be easier to have profiles for difrente computer. fps test: nvidia mx110 2gb 2.0 60 fps
3.0 117fps butit can lagg sometimes to 60fps but its not big of a deal!
DEV UPDATE You can get banned as i heard! But if you have the 1.0 you can use that safely! Some server side anticheat will ban you! But i am working on a better version! The version is being leaked so you wanna search for it! ;) BTW the version will contain some fivem fixes and old updates wich was on very old version! But these will be the best update yo ever played! On an intel (almost every) no update: 20-30fps
on the new update: 40-60fps
so you can imagine how it will peform on an nvidia card!
2.0 -fixes starting scripts -fixes fps -fixes task kills -killing some system things will be put to idle mode! WARNING THIS UPDATE CAN CAUSE SOME SYSTEM BSOD USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!