The Millennial Translation Service is a Command Line Interface (CLI) application that translates and defines millennial slang so that you can keep up with the young’uns.


The application requires a text editor with ruby functionality. Fork and clone the repository from GitHub at The required gems are listed in the Gemfile and can be installed by running bundle install in your terminal.

The application also requires an API key which can be generated from The API Key that you generate should be placed in double quotes within getdata.rb in the @@data section, following X-RapidAPI-Key =>.


Open the project folder in a text editor of your choice, then run ruby config/environment.rb in your terminal to initiate the translator application. Begin by entering your name, then simply follow the directions and input the appropriate command numbers. If you enter a word that we recognize, we will return the definition and give you the option to save it to your username.


Tejas Cousik

Joe Tustin

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

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