
This GitHub repository houses the source code for a Movie Booking Application, providing a seamless and enjoyable cinematic experience for users.❤️❤️

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie Booking Application

Screenshot 2023-10-31 221011

Welcome to the Movie Booking Application README file. This application allows both users and admins to interact with the system. Users can book movies, view available movies, and delete their bookings. Admins have the additional privilege of adding new movies to the system.

Table of Contents

  • Features
  • Requirements
  • Usage
  • License


The Movie Booking Application provides the following features:

For Users

  • User Registration: Users can create an account and log in.
  • Movie Booking: Users can book tickets for their favorite movies.
  • View Movies: Users can view the list of available movies.
  • Delete Booking: Users can cancel their movie bookings.

For Admins

  • Admin Login: Admins can log in with their credentials.
  • Add Movies: Admins can add new movies to the system, including details such as the movie title, description, release date, actors and poster.


Before using the Movie Booking Application, make sure you have the following requirements in place:

  • Server: You need a web server to host the application.
  • Database: The application requires a database to store user accounts, movies, and booking information. I had used here MongoDB.
  • Programming Languages: The application is typically built using languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJs, NodeJs.
  • Security: Implement user authentication and authorization to ensure the security of the application.
  • Web Browser: Users need a modern web browser to access the application.


  1. Clone the repository to your server.
  2. Set up the database and configure the database connection in the application.
  3. Implement user authentication for both users and admins.
  4. Host the application on your web server.
  5. Users can register, log in, and start booking movies.
  6. Admins can log in, add new movies, and manage existing movies.
  7. Ensure the security of the application to protect user data and admin privileges.
  8. Monitor and maintain the application to provide a seamless user experience.

Support and Feedback

If you encounter any issues, have suggestions for improvements, or need assistance with the React ToDoApp, please feel free to reach out to us at abyjoseofficial@gmail.com.