
🎯 D.A.R.T (Degree Auditing Real Time) - The fastest way to audit a student's degrees

Primary LanguageGo

Welcome to go-dart

The fastest way to audit students degrees

This is the Golang implementation of 🎯 D.A.R.T (Degree Auditing Real Time)

A suiting name for the application. It does exactly that. It audits degrees in real time!

How this is different

This project aids a core process at any university - the degree auditing process.

This is an open source program written in Golang, that can audit 100,000+ students with 10+ degrees each in realtime and provide insights into a universities student body degree completion.

Ed-Tech applications generally focus on retention, ease of access, or UI for faculty to better aid students.

This is not that

This is an application focused on performance, in order to allow schools to have options for core systems like degree auditing applications.

Enterprise degree auditing software are closed-source, difficult for analysis integration and do not support modern/future computer science efforts around machine learning, microservices, concurrency, and parallel computing.

DART aims to fill the need for a fast degree auditing system that is light-weight, flexible and provide access to data.

Additionally DART can provide prescriptive student outreach and deep insights into trends across all your student's educational journeys/

I just want to:

  1. Run the application (Heroku app going to be deployed soon)
  2. Install the app
  3. Review architecture
  4. Read API docs

1. Demo App

The demo api is up and running!

check out https://go-dart.herokuapp.com/api/

ui coming soon

Try Me:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://go-dart.herokuapp.com/api/ad-hoc \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
        "name": "david",
        "completed": {
            "CON 101": true,
					"CON 102": true
    "name": "Construction",
    "requirements": [
        "name": "Intro To Construction",
        "type": "Education",
        "group": "Group Core",
        "satisfiers": [
            "uuid": "Introductory Cores",
            "count": 1,
            "core": [
                "CON 101"
        "name": "Intro To Construction",
        "type": "Education",
        "group": "Group Core",
        "satisfiers": [
            "uuid": "Introductory Cores",
            "count": 1,
            "core": [
                "CON 102"

2. How to install

Make sure you have go installed, also your gonna need a few go libraries that your terminal will tell you about when you first try to build the app.

git clone https://github.com/drbh/go-dart.git
cd go-dart

go get the go packages that are the dependencies.


 go get github.com/gin-gonic/contrib/static
 go get github.com/gin-gonic/gin
 go get github.com/gin-contrib/cors
 go get gopkg.in/olahol/melody.v1
 go get github.com/boltdb/bolt

okay now you can build the app without issue

go build

3. Basic Architecture

There are a few important items in DART

  1. Student
  2. Task Map
  3. Activity Log
  4. Task Audit
  5. What Left
  6. Student Summary

The whole framework is student-centric

Student is an item that holds IDs for all of the other items, image coming soon.

Basic Framework

4. API docs

GET /api/
Base URL, this does nothing

POST /api/enroll-student
You can enroll your students in the program

POST /api/task-map
You can add a task-map or as some schools call it - a major map

POST /api/activity-log
You can add an activity-log or a JSON blob of student history

POST /api/ad-hoc
I don't think this works right now. But this is an endpoint to run ad-hoc degree audits (doesn't save the task-map, activity-log or audit to the DB)

POST /api/process

GET /api/acts
get all activity log ids

GET /api/students
get all students ids

GET /api/students-expanded
get a lot of student info back. all audits, all ids to audits and task map and activity logs

GET /api/maps
get all task maps

GET /api/map/:name
get a single map back

GET /api/student/:name
get a single student info back (no expanded audits)

GET /api/student-expanded/:name
get a single student back expanded (shows all their degree run information)

GET /api/act/:name
get single actvity log back by id

GET /api/audit/:name
get single audit back by id

GET /api/student-summary/:name
get a single student summary back (shows all of their current degree standings)

GET /api/ws
WebSocket endpoint to listen for updates (for a UI)

POST /api/auto-build-student

POST /api/update
update a students activity (like when a class completes!)