This code is developed for the work "Three Dimensional Motion Trail Model for Gesture Recognition"

Primary LanguageJava

Three Dimensional Motion Trail Model for Gesture Recognition.
This code is developed for the work: Bin Liang, Lihong Zheng "Three Dimensional Motion Trail Model for Gesture Recognition," 
ICCV 2013 Workshop - Big Data in 3D Computer Vision Workshop.

In case of publication with this code, please cite the paper above.

Dataset: MSR Action3D dataset

HOW to use:

(1) Two SVM files can be generated after running the program, namely "TR_Gestures.svm"
    and "TE_Gestures.svm";
(2) "TR_Gestures.svm" and "TE_Gestures.svm" are used as inputs for LIBSVM. The commands are:
    a.  ## data scale
        svm-scale.exe -l -1 -u 1 -s t_range TR_Gestures.svm > TR_Gestures.svm.scale 
        svm-scale.exe -r t_range TE_Gestures.svm > TE_Gestures.svm.scale
    b.  ## find out the best C and gamma for the SVM model
        python.exe grid.py TR_Gestures.svm.scale
    c.  ## train model
        svm-train.exe -c [best C] -g [bset gamma] TR_Gestures.svm.scale
    d.  ## predict using trained model
        svm-predict.exe TE_Gestures.svm.scale TR_Gestures.svm.scale.model TE_Gestures.svm.predict