
clojure-based live-coding environment

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Session is a live-coding environment, based on Clojure, Om, and Datomic. You can think of it as a web-based REPL, backed by a database.

Check out the video and introductory blog post.

Join the mailing list.


Make you sure have Leiningen installed.

Clone the repo, and cd into it:

git clone https://github.com/kovasb/session.git
cd session

Launch session with the default port 8080:

lein run

Launch session with a custom port:

lein run "{:web-port 8090}"

Use Chrome to navigate to the port on localhost.

Check out the example session for the kinds of operations currently supported.


Session's editor supports the following Paredit actions:

Action Binding
Open Round (
Close Round )
Close Round & Newline Alt-Enter
Open Square [
Close Square ]
Open Curly {
Close Curly }
Double Quote "
Backwards Delete Backspace
Kill Ctrl-K
Wrap Round Alt-(
Wrap Square Alt-[
Wrap Curly Alt-{
Splice Alt-S
Raise Ctrl-R
Split Shift-Alt-S
Join Alt-J
Forward Slurp Ctrl-)
Forward Barf Ctrl-}
Backward Slurp Ctrl-(
Backward Barf Ctrl-{

Loading libraries

You can dynamically load libraries in Session using alembic.

In a session, require alembic:

(require 'alembic.still)

load the desired artifact (this may take a few moments; you can follow the progress in the terminal):

(alembic.still/distill '[incanter "1.5.4"])

require a namespace from the artifact:

(require 'incanter.core)

use a function from the namespace:

(incanter.core/cumulative-sum (range 100))

Datomic "Gotcha"

Make sure there is no pre-existing Datomic transactor already running when launching Session. If Session fails to run, check to see there is no other datomic transactor running.

Session tries to manage its own instance of the datomic transactor. When you close the Session process, this transactor may not be automatically killed.

Session uses the transactor in a somewhat unorthodox use case, so the hooks provided by datomic are not ideal for managing it in this way. Pull requests welcome to improve the situation.


Session includes Datomic Free Edition, which is governed by this license

Session itself is Copyright (C) 2014 Kovas Boguta

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.