= pjr (print_json_response) * http://github.com/jdunphy/print_json_response == DESCRIPTION A simple script to grab JSON from a URI and view it in a readable manner. Also, diff the JSON result of two URIs. == SYNOPSIS: $ pjr "http://someplace.com/someurl.json" Retrieving http://someplace.com/someurl.json: { "what":"oh hey look some pretty-printed json" } You can also drop the hostname nonsense when hitting localhost $ pjr "/someurl.json" Retrieving { "what":"oh hey look some pretty-printed json" } Override the base default host of localhost:3000 with a .pjr file. $ cat /Users/jdunphy/.pjr default_host:http://localhost:7000 pjr can jump into irb, instead of printing json $ pjr -i someurl.json Retrieving Loading IRB. JSON response is in $response irb(main):001:0> $response['what'] => "oh hey look some pretty-printed json" djr can diff two JSON results: $ djr http://one.example/some/path http://two.example/some/path pjr and djr can walk the JSON tree for more specific results: $ pjr http://one.example/some/path a b c $ djr http://one.example/some/path http://two.example/some/path a b c == INSTALL: * gem install print_json_response
A simple script to grab json from a URI and view it in a readable manner.