
CIS4930 FA2019: Online Banking System

Primary LanguageCSS

Online Banking System - Team 1

This project provides an online web interface for creating accounts that can buy and sell stocks. Each account can access the current value of their account, the current value of all stocks, and the quantity of stocks they own.

The bank has its own account from which stocks are sold to normal users. The bank account can view logs of all transactions. Use the admin account <admin,admin> to enter the bank account.

Team Members:

  • Alain Garcia
  • Georgia Hayes
  • Spencer Wong
  • Abhi Kante

Deployed here, thought it is less stable than the localhost build.

Swagger API Documentation

Video for milestone 3 in the root directory and is named milestone3.mp4.


  • Install Python 3.x
  • Use the requirements.txt file and package manager pip to install the following Python 3 packages:
    • pytest
    • pylint
    • mysql-connector-python
    • flask
    • pandas
    • gunicorn
pip install -r requirements.txt


python webclient.py

The web service should then be hosted on localhost using port 5000.

Setup Overview

We used Python for this entire project. The flask library was used to set up the web service. We used MySQL databases hosted by Google Cloud to store the web application's data. We interface with those databases through the mysql-connector-python library. The pandas library was used very briefly for CSV handling. The gunicorn library was used for heroku integration.

Testing was done with the help of the pytest library. Linting was done with the help of the pylint library. Authentication was completed by using a custom module which very simply checks for plain text user data.

Resources Used

Continuous Integration Service: Travis CI

Version Control: Github

MySQL Server Hosting: Google Cloud

Deployment: Heroku

API Documentation: Swagger


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
