This is a Midterm project for ML Zoomcamp 2022

In this repo we will be working with the **Wine quality dataset ** dataset from UCI center for Machine Learning.

The goal of this project is to classify the wine quality based on some of their physical and chemical properties.

Data Description

The following table provides an overview of the dataset. The available fields and what they were used for, as well as the type of data.

Field Use Dtype
type Feature str
fixed_acidity Feature float
volatile_acidity Feature float
citric_acid Feature float
residual_sugar Feature float
chlorides Feature float
free_sulfur_dioxide Feature float
total_sulfur_dioxide Feature float
density Feature float
ph Feature float
sulphates Feature float
alcohol Feature float
Quality Target int

Data Preparation

  • Missing data: The missing values were filled using the median values of each wine type (red or white).

    Type fixed_acidity volatile_acidity citric_acid residual_sugar chlorides ph sulphates
    white 6.856 0.278 0.334 6.393 0.046 3.188 0.490
    red 8.322 0.528 0.271 2.539 0.087 3.311 0.658
  • Quality_encoding: Since the objective is classify the quality of the wine, the scores from 0-10 were binned into bad,moderate and good quality wine. Given that good > moderate > bad, we can use ordinal encoding.

    Quality Score range code
    Bad < 5 0
    Moderate 5-6 1
    Good > 7 2
  • Type Encoding: The type of wine was enconded as red → 0 and white → 1

ML modeling

The models tested were: LogisticRegression, DecisionTreeClassifier, RandomForestClassifier and XGBClassifier

Validation framework

The dataset was splitted as train/test with prpportions of 0.8 and 0.2 respectively . Given that the dataset is imbalanced, the dataset split was done in an stratified fashion using the quality labels.

The train dataset was split in 2 using a 0.25 fraction of it as validation (0.2 fraction of the full dataset)


Before using Pipeline,the datasets are first converted to vectors using DictVectorizer.

The Pipeline object contains to steps:

  1. Preprocessing: Given the long-tailed distributions of some of the features RobustScaler was applied to the feature vectors.
  2. Classifier: Model that is used and evaluated


The model evaluation was performed in using different metrics.

  • Area under the RO curve.
  • F1 multiclass score:
    • F1 macro
    • F1 weighted

Additionally, the inspection of the confussion matrix and recall to understand the weaknesses and virtues of the model.

Select Best Model

Recall for the best models are as follows:

Model Bad Moderate Good
RT_best 16 91 63
xgb_best 16 94 56
RT_base 14 97 50
xgb_base 14 93 55

We can see that while the metrics are quite similar, some models perform better or worst in some of the categories. In general, we get good predictions for moderate-quality wines. However, Some models are better at predicting either the bad- or good-quality wines.

If we compare the best RandomForest (RT_best) with the best XGB (xgb_best), we can observe that both models have the same low recall for bad-quality wines. RT_best perform better at predicting good-quality while xgb_best is better at predicting moderate quality wines.

If we assume that we care more about prediciting correctly the good quality wine, then we select as the best model RT_best and its metrics are as follows:

  • Weighted ACU 0.857
  • Macro avg F1-score 0.58
  • Weighted avg F1-score 0.82

How to use this project

First things first. Clone this repository and create a virtual environment.

git clone && cd mlzoomcap_midterm2020 
pip install pipenv 
pipenv shell 

Now, you'll have all the dependencies installed in a virtual environment for this project.

There are a few thing that you can try out:

  • You can deploy the service using the bentoml model stored in model folder.
  • You can train a new model and save it using bentoml and

Using the existing model

bentoml models import model/wine_quality_randomforest-ahhbkxtaq26rig2k.bentomodel
bentoml serve

The existing model

name: t file, requirements.txt or pwine_quality_randomforest                                                                                                                               
version: ahhbkxtaq26rig2k                                                                                                                                     
module: bentoml.sklearn                                                                                                                                       
labels: {}                                                                                                                                                    
options: {}                                                                                                                                                   
  auc: 0.857                                                                                                                                                  
  f1_macro: 0.58                                                                                                                                              
  f1_weighted: 0.82                                                                                                                                           
  framework_name: sklearn                                                                                                                                     
    scikit-learn: 1.1.3                                                                                                                                       
  bentoml_version: 1.0.10                                                                                                                                     
  python_version: 3.8.10                                                                                                                                      
    batchable: true                                                                                                                                           
    - 0                                                                                                                                                       
    - 0                                                                                                                                                       
    batchable: true                                                                                                                                           
    - 0                                                                                                                                                       
    - 0                                                                                                                                                       
api_version: v1                                                                                                                                               
creation_time: '2022-11-09T23:26:59.052366+00:00'  

Make your own model

You can change the model or the hyperparameters used during training using


After running, in the terminal you'll see the new models tag. Just go and replace it in :p

Deployment using BentoML

bentoml build 

Now, we can build a docker image using the following snippet

bentoml containerize wine_quality_classifier:mcye7jtbds6opr5f

And we are ready to deploy our server :)

docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 wine_quality_classifier:mcye7jtbds6opr5f serve --production

Now that the server is deployed, you can go to and use the API :)

Try it:

{"type": "white",
 "fixed_acidity": 8.8,
 "volatile_acidity": 0.23,
 "citric_acid": 0.35,
 "residual_sugar": 10.7,
 "chlorides": 0.04,
 "free_sulfur_dioxide": 26.0,
 "total_sulfur_dioxide": 183.0,
 "density": 0.9984,
 "ph": 2.93,
 "sulphates": 0.49,
 "alcohol": 9.1} 

{"type": "red",
 "fixed_acidity": 6.9,
 "volatile_acidity": 0.52,
 "citric_acid": 0.25,
 "residual_sugar": 2.6,
 "chlorides": 0.081,
 "free_sulfur_dioxide": 10.0,
 "total_sulfur_dioxide": 37.0,
 "density": 0.99685,
 "ph": 3.46,
 "sulphates": 0.5,
 "alcohol": 11.0}

You can also use curl to send a request to the server:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:3000/classify' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"type": "white",
 "fixed_acidity": 8.8,
 "volatile_acidity": 0.23,
 "citric_acid": 0.35,
 "residual_sugar": 10.7,
 "chlorides": 0.04,
 "free_sulfur_dioxide": 26.0,
 "total_sulfur_dioxide": 183.0,
 "density": 0.9984,
 "ph": 2.93,
 "sulphates": 0.49,
 "alcohol": 9.1} '

The response for the first example looks like this:

  "Probabilities": {
    "bad": 0.09,
    "moderate": 0.77,
    "good": 0.14
  "Quality": "moderate"

Cloud Deployment

The model was deployed using AWS Elastic Container Services

First, make sure that aws-cli is installed.

curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
ln -s /usr/bin/aws aws
  1. We need to create a Elastic Container Regestry and push the docker image to it.
aws ecr get-login-password --region {region} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin {registry_url}

docker tag {docker_image_tag} {registry_url}/wine_quality_classifier:latest

docker push {registry_url}/wine_quality_classifier:latest
  1. We create a cluster in EC service. In this case I used an AWS Fargate Linux cluster.

  2. We create a task and assigned the URI from the docker image that we pushed to the registry.

  3. We run the task

  4. Test

Now the service is deployed in the cloud and the API is exposed


Additonally, we could also send a request using curl



P. Cortez, A. Cerdeira, F. Almeida, T. Matos and J. Reis. Modeling wine preferences by data mining from physicochemical properties. In Decision Support Systems, Elsevier, 47(4):547-553, 2009.