
Erlang port of Haml

Primary LanguageErlang

Welcome to herml, the Haml-like templating language!


  1. Install leex 0.3 or greater. Putting it in your $ERLANG_HOME/lib is best. leex is included with R13B01.
  2. Clone the herml repo from Github.
  3. Run make
  4. Put the herml/ebin directory somewhere on your code path:
    • Symlink the top-level herml directory into your $ERLANG_HOME/lib directory, or
    • Use the -pz or -pa switches on erl to place herml/ebin onto your code path

Using in Sinan:

  1. Clone the herml repo from Github

  2. Run make special in the herml directory

  3. Make sure your sinan project can find the herml repo

    • Clone inside your projects lib directory, or
    • Symlink the herml directory to your projects lib directory
  4. Keep it up to date:

    • Pull down latest changes
    • make clean
    • make special

Running tests:

  1. Run make clean tests

Using herml:

  1. Start up a herml_manager process for your template directory:

1> herml_manager:start_link(my_web_app,"/path/to/templates").

Note: herml_manager can cache the compiled template and use it over and over.

  1. Execute the template by calling the herml_manager process:

2> Result = herml_manager:execute_template("file.herml", Env).

Note: Env is a proplist containing the execution environment for the template. herml expects all variable names to be Erlang strings. For example, here's a valid environment proplists: [{"UserName", "herml"}].

The UserName variable would be referenced from herml as @UserName.

Another note: For efficiency reasons, herml_manager:execute_template/2,3,4 returns iolists when it executes templates. If you want to view the template output as a standard string, you can use the io module to flatten the iolist:

3> io:format("~s", [Result]).