Python Interface to Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (CDSL)

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PyCDSL is a python interface to Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (CDSL).


  • CDSL Corpus Management (Download, Update, Access)
  • Unified Programmable Interface to access all dictionaries available at CDSL
  • Command Line Interfaces for quick and easy search
    • Console Command: cdsl
    • REPL Interface (powered by cmd2)
  • Extensive support for transliteration using indic-transliteration module
  • Search by key, value or both


To install PyCDSL, run this command in your terminal:

$ pip install PyCDSL


PyCDSL can be used in a python project, as a console command and as an interactive REPL interface.

Using PyCDSL in a Project

Import PyCDSL in a project:

import pycdsl

Create a CDSLCorpus Instance:

# Default installation at ~/cdsl_data
CDSL = pycdsl.CDSLCorpus()

# Custom installation path can be specified with argument `data_dir`
# e.g. CDSL = pycdsl.CDSLCorpus(data_dir="custom-installation-path")

# Custom transliteration schemes for input and output can be specified
# with arguments `input_scheme` and `output_scheme`.
# Values should be valid names of the schemes from `indic-transliteration`
# If unspecified, `DEFAULT_SCHEME` (`devanagari`) would be used.
# e.g. CDSL = pycdsl.CDSLCorpus(input_scheme="hk", output_scheme="iast")

# Search mode can be specified to search values by key or value or both.
# Valid options for `search_mode` are "key", "value", "both".
# These are also stored in convenience variables, and it is recommended
# to use these instead of string literals.
# The variable SEARCH_MODES will always hold the list of all valid modes.
# The variable DEFAULT_SEARCH_MODE will alway point to the default mode.
# e.g. CDSL = pycdsl.CDSLCorpus(search_mode=pycdsl.SEARCH_MODE_VALUE)

Setup default dictionaries (["MW", "MWE", "AP90", "AE"]):

# Note: Any additional dictionaries that are installed will also be loaded.

# For loading specific dictionaries only,
# a list of dictionary IDs can be passed to the setup function
# e.g. CDSL.setup(["VCP"])

# If `update` flag is True, update check is performed for every dictionary
# in `dict_ids` and if available, the updated version is installed
# e.g. CDSL.setup(["MW"], update=True)

Search in a dictionary:

# Any loaded dictionary is accessible using `[]` operator and dictionary ID
# e.g. CDSL["MW"]
results = CDSL["MW"].search("राम")

# Alternatively, they are also accessible like an attribute
# e.g. CDSL.MW, CDSL.MWE etc.
results = CDSL.MW.search("राम")

# Note: Attribute access and Item access both use the `dicts` property
# under the hood to access the dictionaries.
# >>> CDSL.MW is CDSL.dicts["MW"]
# True
# >>> CDSL["MW"] is CDSL.dicts["MW"]
# True

# `input_scheme` and `output_scheme` can be specified to the search function.
CDSL.MW.search("kṛṣṇa", input_scheme="iast", output_scheme="itrans")[0]
# <MWEntry: 55142: kRRiShNa = 1. kRRiShNa/ mf(A/)n. black, dark, dark-blue (opposed to shveta/, shukla/, ro/hita, and aruNa/), RV.; AV. &c.>

# Search using wildcard (i.e. `*`)
# e.g. To search all etnries starting with kRRi (i.e. कृ)
CDSL.MW.search("kRRi*", input_scheme="itrans")

# Limit and/or Offset the number of search results, e.g.
# Show the first 10 results
CDSL.MW.search("kṛ*", input_scheme="iast", limit=10)
# Show the next 10 results
CDSL.MW.search("kṛ*", input_scheme="iast", limit=10, offset=10)

# Search using a different search mode
CDSL.MW.search("हृषीकेश", mode=pycdsl.SEARCH_MODE_VALUE)

Access an entry by ID:

# Access entry by `entry_id` using `[]` operator
entry = CDSL.MW["263938"]

# Alternatively, use `CDSLDict.entry` function
entry = CDSL.MW.entry("263938")

# Note: Access using `[]` operator calls the `CDSLDict.entry` function.
# The difference is that, in case an `entry_id` is absent,
# `[]` based access will raise a `KeyError`
# `CDSLDict.entry` will return None and log a `logging.ERROR` level message

# >>> entry
# <MWEntry: 263938: हृषीकेश = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

# Output transliteration scheme can also be provided

CDSL.MW.entry("263938", output_scheme="iast")
# <MWEntry: 263938: hṛṣīkeśa = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

Entry class also supports transliteration after creation. Thus, any entry fetched either through search() function or through entry() function can be transliterated.

Transliterate a single entry:

# <MWEntry: 263938: hfzIkeSa = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

Change transliteration scheme for a dictionary:


Change search mode for a dictionary:


Classes CDSLCorpus and CDSLDict are iterable.

  • Iterating over CDSLCorpus yields loaded dictionary instances.
  • Iterating over CDSLDict yields entries in that dictionary.
# Iteration over a `CDSLCorpus` instance

for cdsl_dict in CDSL:

# <class 'pycdsl.lexicon.CDSLDict'>
# CDSLDict(id='MW', date='1899', name='Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary')

# Iteration over a `CDSLDict` isntance
for entry in CDSL.MW:

# <class 'pycdsl.models.MWEntry'>
# <MWEntry: 1: अ = 1. अ   the first letter of the alphabet>

Note: Please check the documentation of modules in the PyCDSL Package for more detailed information on available classes and functions.


Using Console Interface of PyCDSL

Help to the Console Interface:

usage: cdsl [-h] [-i] [-s SEARCH] [-p PATH] [-d DICTS [DICTS ...]]
            [-sm SEARCH_MODE] [-is INPUT_SCHEME] [-os OUTPUT_SCHEME]
            [-hf HISTORY_FILE] [-sc STARTUP_SCRIPT]
            [-u] [-dbg] [-v]

Access dictionaries from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (CDSL)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --interactive     start in an interactive REPL mode
  -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
                        search pattern (ignored if `--interactive` mode is set)
  -p PATH, --path PATH  path to installation
  -d DICTS [DICTS ...], --dicts DICTS [DICTS ...]
                        dictionary id(s)
  -sm SEARCH_MODE, --search-mode SEARCH_MODE
                        search mode
  -is INPUT_SCHEME, --input-scheme INPUT_SCHEME
                        input transliteration scheme
  -os OUTPUT_SCHEME, --output-scheme OUTPUT_SCHEME
                        output transliteration scheme
  -hf HISTORY_FILE, --history-file HISTORY_FILE
                        path to the history file
  -sc STARTUP_SCRIPT, --startup-script STARTUP_SCRIPT
                        path to the startup script
  -u, --update          update specified dictionaries
  -dbg, --debug         turn debug mode on
  -v, --version         show version and exit

Common Usage:

$ cdsl -d MW AP90 -s हृषीकेश

Note: Arguments for specifying installation path, dictionary IDs, input and output transliteration schemes are valid for both interactive REPL shell and non-interactive console command.

Using REPL Interface of PyCDSL

REPL Interface is powered by cmd2, and thus supports persistent history, start-up script, and several other rich features.

To use REPL Interface to Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (CDSL):

$ cdsl -i

cmd2 Inherited REPL Features

  • Persistent History across sessions is maintained at ~/.cdsl_history.
  • If Start-up Script is present (~/.cdslrc), the commands (one per line) are run at the start-up.
  • Customized shortcuts for several useful commands, such as ! for shell, / for search and $ for show.
  • Aliases can be created on runtime.
  • Output Redirection works like the standard console, e.g. command args > output.txt will write the output of command to output.txt. Similarly, >> can be used to append the output.
  • Clipboard Integration is supported through Pyperclip. If the output file name is omitted, the output is copied to the clipboard, e.g., command args >. The output can even be appended to clipboard by command args >>.


Note: The locations of history file and start-up script can be customized through CLI options.

REPL Session Example

Cologne Sanskrit Digital Lexicon (CDSL)
Install or load dictionaries by typing `use [DICT_IDS..]` e.g. `use MW`.
Type any keyword to search in the selected dictionaries. (help or ? for list of options)
Loaded 4 dictionaries.

(CDSL::None) help -v

Documented commands (use 'help -v' for verbose/'help <topic>' for details):

available             Display a list of dictionaries available in CDSL
dicts                 Display a list of dictionaries available locally
info                  Display information about active dictionaries
search                Search in the active dictionaries
show                  Show a specific entry by ID
stats                 Display statistics about active dictionaries
update                Update loaded dictionaries
use                   Load the specified dictionaries from CDSL.
                      If not available locally, they will be installed first.

alias                 Manage aliases
help                  List available commands or provide detailed help for a specific command
history               View, run, edit, save, or clear previously entered commands
macro                 Manage macros
quit                  Exit this application
run_script            Run commands in script file that is encoded as either ASCII or UTF-8 text
set                   Set a settable parameter or show current settings of parameters
shell                 Execute a command as if at the OS prompt
shortcuts             List available shortcuts
version               Show the current version of PyCDSL

(CDSL::None) help available
Display a list of dictionaries available in CDSL

(CDSL::None) help search

Usage: search [-h] [--limit LIMIT] [--offset OFFSET] pattern

    Search in the active dictionaries

    * Searching in the active dictionaries is also the default action.
    * In general, we do not need to use this command explicitly unless we
      want to search the command keywords, such as, `available` `search`,
      `version`, `help` etc. in the active dictionaries.

positional arguments:
pattern          search pattern

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --limit LIMIT    limit results
  --offset OFFSET  skip results

(CDSL::None) help dicts
Display a list of dictionaries available locally

(CDSL::None) dicts
CDSLDict(id='AP90', date='1890', name='Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary')
CDSLDict(id='MW', date='1899', name='Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary')
CDSLDict(id='MWE', date='1851', name='Monier-Williams English-Sanskrit Dictionary')
CDSLDict(id='AE', date='1920', name="Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary")

(CDSL::None) update
Data for dictionary 'AP90' is up-to-date.
Data for dictionary 'MW' is up-to-date.
Data for dictionary 'MWE' is up-to-date.
Data for dictionary 'AE' is up-to-date.

(CDSL::None) use MW
Using 1 dictionaries: ['MW']

(CDSL::MW) हृषीकेश

Found 6 results in MW.

<MWEntry: 263922: हृषीकेश = हृषी-केश a   See below under हृषीक.>
<MWEntry: 263934: हृषीकेश = हृषीकेश b m. (perhaps = हृषी-केश cf. हृषी-वत् above) id. (-त्व n.), MBh.; Hariv. &c.>
<MWEntry: 263935: हृषीकेश = N. of the tenth month, VarBṛS.>
<MWEntry: 263936: हृषीकेश = of a Tīrtha, Cat.>
<MWEntry: 263937: हृषीकेश = of a poet, ib.>
<MWEntry: 263938: हृषीकेश = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

(CDSL::MW) show 263938

<MWEntry: 263938: हृषीकेश = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

(CDSL::MW) show 263938 --show-data

<MWEntry: 263938: हृषीकेश = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

<body>  lord of the senses (said of <s1 slp1="manas">Manas<\/s1>), <ls>BhP.<\/ls><info lex="inh"\/><\/body>

(CDSL::MW) $263938

<MWEntry: 263938: हृषीकेश = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

(CDSL::MW) $263938 > output.txt
(CDSL::MW) !cat output.txt

<MWEntry: 263938: हृषीकेश = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

(CDSL::MW) set input_scheme itrans
input_scheme - was: 'devanagari'
now: 'itrans'

(CDSL::MW) hRRiSIkesha

Found 6 results in MW.

<MWEntry: 263922: हृषीकेश = हृषी-केश a   See below under हृषीक.>
<MWEntry: 263934: हृषीकेश = हृषीकेश b m. (perhaps = हृषी-केश cf. हृषी-वत् above) id. (-त्व n.), MBh.; Hariv. &c.>
<MWEntry: 263935: हृषीकेश = N. of the tenth month, VarBṛS.>
<MWEntry: 263936: हृषीकेश = of a Tīrtha, Cat.>
<MWEntry: 263937: हृषीकेश = of a poet, ib.>
<MWEntry: 263938: हृषीकेश = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

(CDSL::MW) set output_scheme iast
output_scheme - was: 'devanagari'
now: 'iast'

(CDSL::MW) hRRiSIkesha

Found 6 results in MW.

<MWEntry: 263922: hṛṣīkeśa = hṛṣī-keśa a   See below under hṛṣīka.>
<MWEntry: 263934: hṛṣīkeśa = hṛṣīkeśa b m. (perhaps = hṛṣī-keśa cf. hṛṣī-vat above) id. (-tva n.), MBh.; Hariv. &c.>
<MWEntry: 263935: hṛṣīkeśa = N. of the tenth month, VarBṛS.>
<MWEntry: 263936: hṛṣīkeśa = of a Tīrtha, Cat.>
<MWEntry: 263937: hṛṣīkeśa = of a poet, ib.>
<MWEntry: 263938: hṛṣīkeśa = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

(CDSL::MW) set limit 2
limit - was: 50
now: 2

(CDSL::MW) hRRiSIkesha

Found 2 results in MW.

<MWEntry: 263922: hṛṣīkeśa = hṛṣī-keśa a   See below under hṛṣīka.>
<MWEntry: 263934: hṛṣīkeśa = hṛṣīkeśa b m. (perhaps = hṛṣī-keśa cf. hṛṣī-vat above) id. (-tva n.), MBh.; Hariv. &c.>

(CDSL::MW) set limit -1
limit - was: 2
now: None

(CDSL::MW) set search_mode value
search_mode - was: 'key'
now: 'value'

(CDSL::MW) hRRiSIkesha

Found 1 results in MW.

<MWEntry: 263938.1: hṛṣīkeśatva = hṛṣīkeśa—tva n.>

(CDSL::MW) set search_mode both
search_mode - was: 'value'
now: 'both'

(CDSL::MW) hRRiSIkesha

Found 7 results in MW.

<MWEntry: 263922: hṛṣīkeśa = hṛṣī-keśa a   See below under hṛṣīka.>
<MWEntry: 263934: hṛṣīkeśa = hṛṣīkeśa b m. (perhaps = hṛṣī-keśa cf. hṛṣī-vat above) id. (-tva n.), MBh.; Hariv. &c.>
<MWEntry: 263935: hṛṣīkeśa = N. of the tenth month, VarBṛS.>
<MWEntry: 263936: hṛṣīkeśa = of a Tīrtha, Cat.>
<MWEntry: 263937: hṛṣīkeśa = of a poet, ib.>
<MWEntry: 263938: hṛṣīkeśa = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>
<MWEntry: 263938.1: hṛṣīkeśatva = hṛṣīkeśa—tva n.>

(CDSL::MW) info
Total 1 dictionaries are active.
CDSLDict(id='MW', date='1899', name='Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary')

(CDSL::MW) stats
Total 1 dictionaries are active.
CDSLDict(id='MW', date='1899', name='Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary')
{'total': 287627, 'distinct': 194044, 'top': [('कृष्ण', 50), ('शिव', 46), ('विजय', 46), ('पुष्कर', 45), ('काल', 39), ('सिद्ध', 39), ('योग', 39), ('चित्र', 38), ('शुचि', 36), ('वसु', 36)]}

(CDSL::MW) use WIL

Downloading 'WIL.web.zip' ... (8394727 bytes)
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8.39M/8.39M [00:21<00:00, 386kB/s]
Successfully downloaded 'WIL.web.zip' from 'https://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/WILScan/2020/downloads/wilweb1.zip'.
Using 1 dictionaries: ['WIL']


Using 2 dictionaries: ['WIL', 'MW']

(CDSL::WIL,MW) hRRiSIkesha

Found 1 results in WIL.

<WILEntry: 44411: hṛṣīkeśa = hṛṣīkeśa  m. (-śaḥ) KṚṢṆA or VIṢṆU. E. hṛṣīka an organ of sense, and īśa lord.>

Found 6 results in MW.

<MWEntry: 263922: hṛṣīkeśa = hṛṣī-keśa a   See below under hṛṣīka.>
<MWEntry: 263934: hṛṣīkeśa = hṛṣīkeśa b m. (perhaps = hṛṣī-keśa cf. hṛṣī-vat above) id. (-tva n.), MBh.; Hariv. &c.>
<MWEntry: 263935: hṛṣīkeśa = N. of the tenth month, VarBṛS.>
<MWEntry: 263936: hṛṣīkeśa = of a Tīrtha, Cat.>
<MWEntry: 263937: hṛṣīkeśa = of a poet, ib.>
<MWEntry: 263938: hṛṣīkeśa = lord of the senses (said of Manas), BhP.>

Using 4 dictionaries: ['MW', 'AP90', 'MWE', 'AE']

(CDSL::MW+3) use --all
Using 5 dictionaries: ['AP90', 'MW', 'MWE', 'AE', 'WIL']

(CDSL::AP90+3) use --none
Using 0 dictionaries: []

(CDSL::None) quit


This application uses data from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries, Cologne University.