
Graphviz Scala bindings

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

#GRAPHVIZ bindings from scala.

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This projects has two modules: core and clientServer. Core provides an API to parse and emit graphviz files, and also to execute dot. ClientServer provides a scala.js/spray.io client-server environment for exposing the dot binary as a web service.

To call the graphviz binaries, you must have graphviz installed for your system.



Add a resolver to build.sbt:

resolvers += "bintray-drdozer" at "http://dl.bintray.com/content/drdozer/maven"

and the dependency to your libraryDependencies:

libraryDependencies += "uk.co.turingatemyhamster" %% "gv-core" % "0.4.1"
import uk.co.turingatemyhamster.graphvizs._
import uk.co.turingatemyhamster.graphvizs.dsl._
import uk.co.turingatemyhamster.graphvizs.exec._

val g = StrictDigraph(
  id = "g",
  "lacI" :| ("shape" := "box"),
  "tetR" :| ("shape" := "box"),
  "lacI" --> "tetR" :| ("label" := "represses")

println("Input graph:")
renderGraph(g, System.out)

println("Piping through dot...")
val gg = dot2dot[Graph, Graph](g)

println("Resulting graph:")
renderGraph(gg, System.out)

println("Rendering as svg...")
val gSvg = dot2dot[Graph, String](g, format = DotFormat.svg)


The server exposes the following endpoints:


Post to this to receive back the output of dot. For example, /graphviz/dot.dot will invoke dot with the dot layout and return the result as dot text while /graphviz/neato.svg will invoke dot with the neato layout and svg output.

dockerised service

Firstly build the dockerised web service:

>project gvClientServerJVM

Then run using docker:

$docker run -d  -p uk.co.turingatemyhamster/gv-clientserver

Then open up http://localhost:10080/index.html and enjoy an entirely dockerised dot editing experience.