
A web remake of RoboCode

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated using Nx.

Physics Engine



Center origin for entities. This simplifies the rotation and collision handling.

Coordinate System (Cartesian vs. Screen Coordinates)

Cartesian Coordinates: Right-handed coordinate system because it's easier to grasp for the majority of people. This means that:

  • the positive x-axis points to the right,
  • the positive y-axis points up,
  • and the positive z-axis points out of the screen.

Angle Measurement (Degrees vs. Radians)

Using radians internally for calculations, but degrees for UI. // TODO

Collision Detection Method

SAT (Separating Axis Theorem): Accurate for rotated rectangles and polygons.

Unit System (Pixels vs. Game Units)

Game Units: abstract units can be scaled to different resolutions. Right now, 1 unit = 1 pixel.

Physics engine loop


Pseudo code:

1. User Interaction
2. Positional Logic
3. Detect Collisions
4. Resolve Collisions


