
audio plugin / player for wordpress. based on public code

Primary LanguagePHP

(DMCK) audio

Always a work in progress

SHORTCODE: [dmck-audioplayer]

Another media thingy. Can be used to generate a tabbed playlists and simple charts from mp3 urls embeded in posts.

If an access log is available this applicaton can generate a rudimentary top 10 playlist.

Based originally on this html5 audio playlist tutorial: https://www.script-tutorials.com/html5-audio-player-with-playlist/


  1. Upload plugin folder to /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the playlist json object and other options in the admin menu in the admin section.
  4. Add shortcode to pages or posts as needed.
  5. Something something...


Default location for wavform images is in the same directory as the associated mp3. Default location override is a custom field in post called dmck_wavformpng, value is the url to the wav form image. Application supports creating wavforms manually via commad line (Requires ffmpeg Installed on server).

#process everything in folder. subfolders not supported
$(which php) /home/user/site.com/wp-content/plugins/audio-player-cbhdmk/lib/reports.php wavform "/path/to/folder"
#individual mp3 files
$(which php) /home/user/site.com/wp-content/plugins/audio-player-cbhdmk/lib/reports.php wavform "/path/to/folder" "file-name.mp3"


  1. wavform - action flag, required
  2. path - required
  3. name - optional, specific file to generate wavform from

Access logs, filters and debugging

Test regex used to parse the access log. Refresh logs after permalink change.

$(which php) /home/user/site.com/wp-content/plugins/audio-player-cbhdmk/lib/reports.php logs "/path/to/accesslog" "/.mp3/i" true


  1. logs - action flag, required
  2. path - optional, overrides admin settings
  3. regex - optional, override admin settings
  4. true - optional, show results in error log


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