
This is a heroku hosted integration between Stripe and Hubspot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stripe / Hubspot Integration

Webhooks triggered from Stripe events are handled by an Express app and result in subsequent Hubspot actions.


Six triggers: subscriptions created, subscription cancellations, updated subscriptions, successful payments, failed payments, and credit card expirations result in updated properties for Hubspot contacts identified by a Stripe user's email that is extracted from webhook payloads when events triggered by Stripe actions interact with this web app.

Another endpoint listens for a webhook coming from clickfunnels. The data includes form data from purchases created in clickfunnels. Of importance is the member opt in property, which is a checkbox subscribing to test messages. If they opt in, their email is used to update the specific property on the existing user. If they don't exist, the webhook handles making a user with the member opt in property set to true. Becuase subscriptions are also dependent on an existing hubspot user or creating one if the individual doesn't already have a contact and

Getting Started


  • This project was built with Node and Express using NPM.


  • You can start working with this project by cloning and CD'ing into the root directory. NPM install will result in the necessary installations.

Executing program

  • npm run dev will fire up a local server on localhost:3000. By running an NGROK local tunnel and supplying the provided URL to the endpoints defined in Stripe's dash, you can test the webhooks that this app tracks. The app is hosted on Heroku and needs to be provided with the necessary environment variables.

## Help

in the utils folder, you will find a products.js file where a utility function handles a switch case for products. Stripe products have different product id's depending on whether the developer is using live or test data. This can easily be toggled by commenting out the handleProd function that you don't want to use and un-commenting the one you do want to use. Similarly, Stripe uses a test and live Secret Key that also must be configured depending on the environment. This can be toggled by commenting/un-commenting the line in index.js that invokes Stripe. Lastly, the endpoints described above should never have to change for the production app but will need to be updated each time a dev fires up the app on a new NGROK tunnel, as each occasion returns a unique URL.