
A small tool to generate maltego configurations

Primary LanguageGo


Go Report Card License

Generate Maltego Configurations with ease!


Install the maltego-gen commandline tool:

go install github.com/dreadl0ck/maltego-gen


Icons from the open source material design library can be automatically included as icons for your entities.

See the list of all icons here.

This tool uses the twotone style by default.


You can generate colors via specifying a lower-case color name or via hex code.


Create a YAML file to describe your Entities and Transforms:

org: YourOrg
author: Your Name
description: What this config is used for

  # choose the display for the new entity
  - name: Domain
    # set the image for your entity
      # choose image from the material icon list
      name: domain
      # choose a color or hex code for the svg (if empty, will default to black)
      color: black
    description: A domain
    # set parent entity
    parent: maltego.Domain
      - name: unicode
        description: Unicode representation of domain name
      - name: ascii
        description: ASCII representation of domain name

# local transforms
  # example transformation that invokes a binary file: simply pass the path to the binary
  - id: LookupAddr
    input: maltego.IPv4Address
    description: Lookup Address
    executable: /path/to/your/binary
  # example transformation that invokes a script:
  - id: ToDomainNames
    input: dittotrx.IDNDomain
    description: To Domain Names
    executable: /path/to/your/interpreter
      - /path/to/your/script
      - -debug

to create a configuration to recompile your Go transforms on every run (useful for debugging and development), use:

executable: go
workingDir: ~/go/src/github.com/you/your-trx

  - id: LookupAddr
    input: maltego.IPv4Address
    description: Lookup Address
      - run
      - cmd/transform/lookupAddr/main.go
  - id: ToDomainNames
    input: yourOrg.Domain
    description: To Domain Names
      - run
      - cmd/transform/toDomains/main.go

Put the YAML into a file and invoking maltego-gen with it will generate the following Maltego configuration:

$ maltego-gen config.yml 
material icon repository exists, pulling
bootstrapped configuration archive for Maltego
packing maltego yourorg archive
packed maltego yourorg archive
copied generated file to /Users/you/YourOrg.mtz

$ tree ./yourorg
├── Entities
│   └── yourorg.Domain.entity
├── EntityCategories
│   └── yourorg.category
├── Icons
│   └── yourorg
│       ├── domain_black.svg
│       ├── domain_black.xml
│       ├── domain_black24.svg
│       ├── domain_black32.svg
│       ├── domain_black48.svg
│       └── domain_black96.svg
├── Servers
│   └── Local.tas
├── TransformRepositories
│   └── Local
│       ├── yourorg.LookupAddr.transform
│       ├── yourorg.LookupAddr.transformsettings
│       ├── yourorg.ToDomainNames.transform
│       └── yourorg.ToDomainNames.transformsettings
├── TransformSets
│   └── YourOrg.set
└── version.properties

8 directories, 15 files
$ du -h yourorg.mtz
8.0K    yourorg.mtz

If the config is named maltego.yml you can simply invoke maltego-gen in the same directory, and there is no need to specify the file as an argument.

On the first execution, the material icon repository will be cloned to the /tmp folder. Subsequent runs will only check if the repo is up-to-date.

The resulting yourorg.mtz file can be imported into Maltego.
