The ChromePdfBundle is a Symfony bundle that leverages the chrome-php/chrome project to render HTML and save the output as a PDF file.
With composer, require:
composer require dreadnip/chrome-pdf-bundle
The bundle relies on a working, up-to-date Chrome/Chromium instance to work. You must specify the binary in your .env file.
# .env or .env.local
The bundle registers two services:
allows you to generate pdf files from HTML strings. You can autowire thePdfGenerator
class in your application.chrome_pdf.browser_factory
is the chrome-php/chrome BrowserFactory class offered as a service within your Symfony application. Use this if you want to fine-tune the PDF generation process. You can use the PdfGenerator class as a starting point and build your custom solution from that.
Render a pdf document from a Twig view and return it from a controller
use Dreadnip\ChromePdfBundle\Service\PdfGenerator;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Twig\Environment;
class TestController
public function __invoke(
Environment $twig,
PdfGenerator $pdfGenerator
): Response {
$html = $twig->render('pdf.html.twig');
// You can use the default options
$path = $pdfGenerator->generate($html, 'files/test.pdf');
// Or control everything by passing custom options
$printOptions = [
'printBackground' => true,
'displayHeaderFooter' => true,
'preferCSSPageSize' => true,
'headerTemplate'=> "<div></div>",
'footerTemplate' => "<div></div>",
'scale' => 1.0,
$browserOptions = [
'headless' => false,
'proxyServer' => ''
$path = $pdfGenerator->generate(
html: $html,
path: 'files/test.pdf',
printOptions: $options,
browserOptions: $browserOptions,
timeout: 5000
return new BinaryFileResponse($path);
Print options can be used to control the rendering of the PDF. Browser options are available to control the headless Chrome instance that will be used to render the PDF. A list of all available options can be found in the chrome-php/chrome repository.
Base template
The bundle comes with a base template that can be extended to build PDFs with. This includes helpers for page lay-out and breaking. The template comes with two blocks styles
for CSS and content
for the actual PDF content.
{% extends '@ChromePdf/base.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
<section class="page page-one break-after">
<h1>First page</h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores enim maxime quasi? Ab accusantium at commodi corporis, distinctio earum facilis harum ipsum maxime, nisi nostrum obcaecati odit officia quod voluptatem?</p>
<section class="page page-two">
<h2>Second page</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores enim maxime quasi? Ab accusantium at commodi corporis, distinctio earum facilis harum ipsum maxime, nisi nostrum obcaecati odit officia quod voluptatem?</p>
{% endblock %}
This bundle is nothing more than a simple wrapper around the awesome chrome-php/chrome project.