
arch-based distro build help

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have looked at the pre-requisite and install scripts for Ubuntu, and I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work, except for libibex-dev.

This package is installed by adding a repository to apt on line 27 of dreal4/setup/ubuntu/20.04/install_prereqs.sh. I was wondering if this package is located on github or otherwise?

I am also not familiar with the Bazel compiler.


  1. IBEX: Please check out this branch, https://github.com/dreal-deps/ibex-lib/tree/ibex-2.7.4_14 . You can run the following to configure, build, and install. Note that it's using the prefix, /opt/libibex/2.7.4/. This is where dReal is looking for ibex-lib.

    # configure
    CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 ./waf configure \
          --prefix=/opt/libibex/2.7.4/ \
          --enable-shared \
           --with-solver \
           --with-affine-extended \
           --interval-lib=filib \
           --lp-lib=clp \
           --clp-path=<CLP PATH> 
    # build
    ./waf build
    # install
    ./waf install  # might need 'sudo'
  2. Bazel: I don't think this is an issue. Just install bazel (https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=bazel) and run bazel build //....

Please take a look at https://github.com/dreal/dreal4/blob/master/docs/BuildOnFedora.md . It would be great if you can write a similar doc (BuildOnArch.md) and open a PR.

Closing it for now.