Kubefow Planckster - CD

Using sealed secrets

Generating new certificates

Certificates that are used to seal secrets are generated using the following command:

openssl req -x509 -days 365 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout "private.key" -out "public.crt" -subj "/CN=sealed-secret/O=sealed-secret"

Encrypting and decrypting larger files is done with a symmetric key, which is generated using the following command:

openssl rand -base64 32 > symmetric.key

More info on how to generate new certificates can be found here:


Creating k8s secrets based on the certificates to be used by bitnami

Creating the secret in the same namespace as the sealed secrets controller

kubectl -n "kubeflow-planckster-secrets" create secret tls "bitnami-certificates" --cert="public.crt" --key="private.key"

or if working on a standalone manifest file

kubectl -n "kubeflow-planckster-secrets" create secret tls "bitnami-certificates" --cert="public.crt" --key="private.key" --dry-run=client -o yaml > bitnami-certificates.yaml

Label the secret so that it can be found by the sealed secrets controller

kubectl -n "kubeflow-planckster-secrets" label secret "bitnami-certificates" sealedsecrets.bitnami.com/sealed-secrets-key=active

or if working on a standalone manifest file

kubectl patch -f bitnami-certificates.yaml -p '{"metadata": {"sealedsecrets.bitnami.com/sealed-secrets-key": "active"}}' --dry-run=client -o yaml > bitnami-certificates.yaml

Restarting the sealed secrets controller

kubectl -n "kube-system" delete pod -l name=sealed-secrets-controller

Sealing secrets

Make sure you have access to the private key and the public certificate: private.key and public.crt.

Sealing env files

Generating the secret JSON manifest

 kubectl create secret generic env-secret -n istio-system --dry-run=client --from-env-file=file.env -o json > env-secret.json

Sealing the secret JSON manifest

kubeseal --cert public.crt <env-secret.json > env-secret-sealed.json