
Writing vertx rest application based on JAX-RS applications

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Continuous Integration Code Coverage License


  • Abstraction over resteasy-vertx to simplify writing a vertx REST application based on JAX-RS annotations
  • Provides a backpressure enabled HTTP server to drop requests on high load
  • Exception mappers to standardise error response
  • Timeout annotation for closing long-running requests
  • Uses rxjava3


Add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your build descriptor:

  • Maven (in your pom.xml):
  • Gradle (in your build.gradle file):
  dependencies {
   compile 'com.dream11:vertx-rest:x.y.z'

Note: Replace x.y.z above with one of the released versions


Create Rest Verticle

Create the application REST Verticle by extending com.dream11.rest.AbstractRestVerticle class. The AbstractRestVerticle here does the following:

  • Finds all the resources(i.e, classes annotated with @Path) in the package and adds an instance of each of the resource classes to the resteasy-deployment registry
  • Adds all the Filters and ExceptionMappers and any other custom Providers to the resteasy-deployment
  • Starts a backpressure enabled HTTP server and dispatches each request to the handler registered with the resteasy-deployment
public class RestVerticle extends AbstractRestVerticle {
  public RestVerticle() {
    // starts http server with default options
    // All classes with @Path annotation in the specified package are registered with the router
  protected ClassInjector getInjector() {
    // Add your implmentation of injector
    return null;

Use the following constructor to pass custom HTTP Server Options

public RestVerticle() {
  super("com.dream11.package", new HttpServerOptions().setPort(8080)); // starts http server with provided options

Create a Rest Resource

public class TestRoute {

  @ApiResponse(content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = String.class)))
  public CompletionStage<String> test() {
    return Single.just("Hello World")


  • Use all the jakarta constraints given here
  • You can use @TypeValidationError(code=<errorCode>, message=<errorMessage>) on DTO parameters to send custom error code and message when parsing of parameter fails
  • @TypeValidationError can also be used for Integer, Long, Float or Double types in @HeaderParam, @QueryParam etc. If you want to use @TypeValidationError on a parameter of type other than these types you can create a custom converter similar to IntegerParamConverter and a provider extending ParamConverterProvider. Reference

Exception Handling

  • Provides exceptions and exception mappers to standardize error response
  • Implement RestError as an enum to specify error codes, messages and http status codes to be returned in response for your exceptions
    • Throw RestException with the restError to return error response in the following format
      "error": {
        "code": "UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION",
        "message": "Something went wrong",
        "cause": "Cannot connect to mysql database"
  • Refer to the package com.dream11.rest.exception.mapper for mappers provided by default
  • Implement your own exception mappers if you need some other error response


  • Configure request timeout by annotating your JAX-RS resource classes with @Timeout(value = <timeoutMillis>, httpStatusCode = <httpStausCode>)
  • Default timeout for each JAX-RS route is 20 seconds
  • Since there is no official HTTP Status code for origin server timeout, it has been kept configurable. By default 500 status code is returned in case of timeouts.

Dependency Injection

  • Implement abstract method getInjector of AbstractRestVerticle to return an implementation of the ClassInjector interface
  • This will be used for injecting instances of the REST resource classes
  • Refer to com.dream11.rest.injector.GuiceInjector for an example

Custom Providers

  • Annotate your provider classes with @Provider to automatically register them with resteasy deployment

  • Alternatively, if your provider class necessitates a constructor with parameters, you can override the following method in AbstractRestVerticle to register the provider object

public class RestVerticle extends AbstractRestVerticle {

  protected List<Object> getProviderObjects() {
    List<Object> providerObjects = super.getProviderObjects();
    // add your provider object with custom constructor to the list
    return providerObjects;

Custom Json Provider

You can create custom json providers by

public class RestVerticle extends AbstractRestVerticle {
  protected JsonProvider getJsonProvider() {
    // return your custom json provider


Please refer tests for an example application

Swagger Specification

Follow this doc to generate swagger specification.
