
Load testing framework

Primary LanguageJava


Load testing framework written in Java

Test your application (or library) with only one annotation!
To use the framework, You just need to:

  • Create test class with *LTCase suffix
  • Add @LoadTest annotaion to your test method
  • Add jload library and jload-maven-plugin to your Maven project and execute: mvn clean package jload:test

Usage example:

public class AppLTCase {
    private App app = new App();
    @LoadTest(iterationCount = 10, threadCount = 3)
    public void testOperation1Performance() {
    @LoadTest(iterationCount = 10, threadCount = 3, timeout = 5000L)
    public void testOperation2Performance() {

Dependency declaration:





Output example:

Load tests execution result: 
Iterations: 10, execution time: 1003 ms
Operations/sec: 9.97009
Average iteration time: 100.300003 ms.

Iterations: 10, execution time: 3003 ms
Operations/sec: 3.3300033
Average iteration time: 300.299988 ms.

License: Apache License, Version 2.0