$ pip install -e .
# 1. get config using config tool in personal script-tools repo
# 2. populate config with user-agent (hint: friends@)
$ python -c config.json
This is a Singer tap that produces JSON-formatted data following the Singer spec.
This tap:
- Pulls raw data from the LinkedIn Marketing Ads 2.0 API
- Extracts the following resources:
- Outputs the schema for each resource
- Incrementally pulls data based on the input state
- Endpoint:
- Primary key field: id
- Foreign keys: reference_organization_id (organization), reference_person_id (person)
- Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
- Filter: account id (from config.json)
- Sort by: account id ascending
- Bookmark: last_modified_time (date-time)
- Transformations: Fields camelCase to snake_case. URNs to ids. Unix epoch millisecond integers to date-times. Audit date-times created_at and last_modified_at de-nested. String to decimal for total_budget field.
- Children: video_ads
- Endpoint:
- Primary key field: content_reference
- Foreign keys: account_id (accounts), owner_organization_id (organizations)
- Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
- Filter: account (from parent account) and owner (from parent account) (see NOTE below)
- Bookmark: last_modified_time (date-time)
- Transformations: Fields camelCase to snake_case. URNs to ids. Unix epoch millisecond integers to date-times. Audit date-times created_at and last_modified_at de-nested.
- Parent: account NOTE: The parent Account MUST reference and Organization (not a Person)
- Campaign Manager User Roles for Video Ads
- Endpoint:
- Primary key fields: account_id, user_person_id
- Foreign keys: account_id (accounts), user_person_id (person)
- Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
- Filter: account (from config.json)
- Bookmark: last_modified_time (date-time)
- Transformations: Fields camelCase to snake_case. URNs to ids. Unix epoch millisecond integers to date-times. Audit date-times created_at and last_modified_at de-nested.
- Endpoint:
- Primary key field: id
- Foreign keys: account_id (accounts)
- Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
- Filter: account (from config.json)
- Sort by: Campaign Group id ascending
- Bookmark: last_modified_time (date-time)
- Transformations: Fields camelCase to snake_case. URNs to ids. Unix epoch millisecond integers to date-times. Audit date-times created_at and last_modified_at de-nested.
- Endpoint:
- Primary key field: id
- Foreign keys: account_id (accounts)
- Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
- Filter: account (from config.json)
- Sort by: Campaign id ascending
- Bookmark: last_modified_time (date-time)
- Transformations: Fields camelCase to snake_case. URNs to ids. Unix epoch millisecond integers to date-times. Audit date-times created_at and last_modified_at de-nested. String to decimal for daily_budget and unit_cost amount fields. Targeting and Targeting Criteria are transformed to a generalized type with list array structure.
- Children: creatives, ad_analytics_by_campaign, ad_analytics_by_creative
- Endpoint:
- Primary key field: id
- Foreign keys: campaign_id (campaigns)
- Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
- Filter: campaign_id (from parent campaign)
- Sort by: Creative id ascending
- Bookmark: last_modified_time (date-time)
- Transformations: Fields camelCase to snake_case. URNs to ids. Unix epoch millisecond integers to date-times. Audit date-times created_at and last_modified_at de-nested. Variables are transformed to a generalized type with list of key/value pairs.
- Parent: campaign
- Endpoint:
- Primary key fields: campaign_id, start_at
- Foreign keys: campaign_id (campaigns)
- Granulariy: One record per day per campaign_id
- Replication strategy: Incremental (query filtered by bookmark date range)
- Filter: campaign_id (from parent campaign), start/end date range (bookmark date - 7 days to current date)
- Bookmark: end_at (date-time)
- Transformations: Fields camelCase to snake_case. URNs to ids. Unix epoch millisecond integers to date-times. Audit date-times created_at and last_modified_at de-nested. Currency and cost fields strings to decimals. Pivot URN to campaign and campaign_id.
- Parent: campaign
- Endpoint:
- Primary key fields: creative_id, start_at
- Foreign keys: creative_id
- Granulariy: One record per day per creative_id
- Replication strategy: Incremental (query filtered by bookmark date range)
- Filter: campaign_id (from parent campaign), start/end date range (bookmark date - 7 days to current date)
- Bookmark: end_at (date-time)
- Transformations: Fields camelCase to snake_case. URNs to ids. Unix epoch millisecond integers to date-times. Audit date-times created_at and last_modified_at de-nested. Currency and cost fields strings to decimals. Pivot URN to creative and creative_id.
- Parent: campaign
The tap uses a LinkedIn provided access_token in the config settings to make API requests. Access tokens expire after 60 days and require a user to manually authenticate again. If the tap receives a 401 invalid token response, the error logs will state that your access token has expired and to re-authenticate your connection to generate a new token. This is described more in LinkedIn OAuth 2.0 Docs.
The API user account should be assigned one of the following roles:
- VIEWER (Recommended)
The API user account should be assigned the following permissions for the API endpoints:
- accounts, account_users, video_ads, campaign_groups, campaigns, creatives:
- r_ads: read ads (Recommended)
- rw_ads: read-write ads
- ad_analytics_by_campaign, ad_analytics_by_creative:
- r_ads_reporting: read ads reporting
NOTE: Legacy permissions (r_ad_campaigns) have been migrated to the new permissions (r_ads and r_ads_reporting) based on this permissions mapping.
To generate the access_token:
- Login to LinkedIn as the API user.
- Create an API App here:
- App Name: tap-linkedin-ads
- Company: search and find your company LinkedIn page
- Privacy policy URL: link to company privacy policy
- Business email: developer/admin email address
- App logo: Stitch (or Company) logo
- Products: Select Marketing Developer Platform (checkbox)
- Review/agree to legal terms and create app
- Verify App:
- Provide the verify URL to your Company's LinkedIn Admin to verify and authorize the app.
- Once verified, select the App in the Console here.
- Review the “Auth” tab:
- Record client_id and client_secret (for later steps).
- Review permissions and ensure app has the permissions (above).
- Oauth 2.0 settings: Provide a redirect_uri (for later steps):
- Review the “Products” tab and ensure “Marketing Developer Platform” has been added and approved (listed in the “added products” section).
- Review the “Usage & limits” tab. This shows the daily application and user/member limits with percent used for each resource endpoint.
- Authorize App: The authorization token lasts 60-days before expiring. The tap app will need to be reauthorized when the authorization token expires.
- Create an Authorization URL with the following pattern
- Create a random alphanumeric state_key (used to prevent CRSF).
- URL pattern: Provide the scope from permissions above (with + delimiting each permission) and replace the other highlighted parameters:
- In web browser, navigate to Authorization URL.
- Once redirected, click “Allow” to authorize app.
- The browser will be redirected to the redirect_uri. Record the code parameter listed in the redirect URL in the Browser header URL.
- Create an Authorization URL with the following pattern
- Run the following curl command with the parameters replaced to return your access_token. The access_token expires in 2-months.
> curl -0 -v -X POST\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
-H "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\
-d "grant_type=authorization_code"\
-d "code=YOUR_CODE"\
-d "client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID"\
-d "client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"\
-d "state=YOUR_STATE_KEY"\
-d "redirect_uri=YOUR_REDIRECT_URI"
- Create config.json and include the access_token:
"start_date": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"user_agent": "tap-linkedin-ads <>",
"access_token": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
"accounts": null
Clone this repository, and then install using We recommend using a virtualenv:
> virtualenv -p python3 venv > source venv/bin/activate > python install OR > cd .../tap-linkedin-ads > pip install .
Dependent libraries The following dependent libraries were installed.
> pip install singer-python > pip install singer-tools > pip install target-stitch > pip install target-json
Create your tap's
file which should look like the following:{ "start_date": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z", "user_agent": "tap-linkedin-ads <>", "access_token": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN", "accounts": "id1, id2, id3" }
Optionally, also create a
is an optional attribute used for identifying the last object to be synced in case the job is interrupted mid-stream. The next run would begin where the last job left off.{ "currently_syncing": "creatives", "bookmarks": { "accounts": "2019-06-11T13:37:55Z", "account_users": "2019-06-19T19:48:42Z", "video_ads": "2019-06-18T18:23:58Z", "campaign_groups": "2019-06-20T00:52:46Z", "campaigns": "2019-06-19T19:48:44Z", "creatives": "2019-06-11T13:37:55Z", "ad_analytics_by_campaign": "2019-06-11T13:37:55Z", "ad_analytics_by_creative": "2019-06-11T13:37:55Z" } }
Run the Tap in Discovery Mode This creates a catalog.json for selecting objects/fields to integrate:
> tap-linkedin-ads --config config.json --discover > catalog.json
See the Singer docs on discovery mode here.
Run the Tap in Sync Mode (with catalog) and write out to state file
For Sync mode:
> tap-linkedin-ads --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json > state.json > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json
To load to json files to verify outputs:
> tap-linkedin-ads --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | target-json > state.json > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json
To pseudo-load to Stitch Import API with dry run:
> tap-linkedin-ads --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | target-stitch --config target_config.json --dry-run > state.json > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json
Test the Tap
While developing the Linkedin Ads tap, the following utilities were run in accordance with best practices: Pylint to improve code quality:
> pylint tap_linkedin_ads -d missing-docstring -d logging-format-interpolation -d too-many-locals -d too-many-arguments
Pylint test resulted in the following score:
Your code has been rated at 9.95/10 (previous run: 9.83/10, +0.12).
To check the tap and verify working:
> tap-linkedin-ads --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | singer-check-tap > state.json > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json
Check tap resulted in the following:
The output is valid. It contained 833 messages for 8 streams. 29 schema messages 765 record messages 39 state messages Details by stream: +--------------------------+---------+---------+ | stream | records | schemas | +--------------------------+---------+---------+ | accounts | 2 | 1 | | video_ads | 432 | 4 | | account_users | 20 | 1 | | campaigns | 206 | 1 | | ad_analytics_by_creative | 47 | 9 | | ad_analytics_by_campaign | 51 | 6 | | creatives | 5 | 6 | | campaign_groups | 2 | 1 | +--------------------------+---------+---------+
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