
React E-Commerce site

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Login Page

Screenshot (321)

Home Page


Product Detail Page

Screenshot (318)

Cart Page

Screenshot (319)

Payments Page

Screenshot (320)

Notes for references ->

  • Access Token: A secure string that a client uses to access protected resources. An instance issues access tokens to clients that have a valid authorization grant. Each access token has a specific scope, lifespan, and other attributes. By default, an instance issues access tokens with a 30-minute lifespan in the scenario where the instance is the OAuth provider.

  • Refresh Token: A credential that a client uses to obtain new access tokens without requiring additional user authorization. An instance issues a refresh token to a client when it is first authorized to have an access token. By default, an instance issues refresh tokens with a 100-day lifespan in the scenario where the instance is the OAuth provider.

  • NodeMailer is a Node JS module that allows you to send emails from your server easily. It is a zero dependency module for all Node JS-compatible applications. The emails sent can be plain text, attachments, or HTML. Note that you can use Gmail accounts or Mailtrap to set up fake SMTP servers for testing.