As we know, Number.prototype.toFixed() has many problems due to precision.
For example, in NodeJS 8.11.3
(5.395).toFixed(2); // 5.39
-(5.395).toFixed(2); // -5.39
(1.395).toFixed(2); // 1.40
-(1.395).toFixed(2); // -1.4
and in IE9
(5.395).toFixed(2); // 5.40
-(5.395).toFixed(2); // -5.4
(1.395).toFixed(2); // 1.40
-(1.395).toFixed(2); // -1.4
This lib aims to make it consistent across any environment,
and above test result will be
(5.395).toFixed(2); // 5.40
-(5.395).toFixed(2); // -5.4
(1.395).toFixed(2); // 1.40
-(1.395).toFixed(2); // -1.40
Introduce it before your code
for example:
// or
import './index.js';
// other codes
// ...