
  • This is Ziliang Lin's final project for CSC458, 2020 Spring, UR
  • A simple Key/Value Service based on Multi-Paxos
  • The kvpaxos_go folder contains the source for single machine version
  • The kvpaxos_elixir folder contains the source for Elixir version



  • Install golang and configure environment so that can run go directly under command line
  • Add kvpaxos_go to $GOPATH
  • Under the directory of kvpaxos_go/src/paxos or kvpaxos_go/src/kvpaxos, type go test to run the test for it, respectively.


  • Install Elixir
  • Under kvpaxos_elixir, type mix compile to build
  • So far there are only simple tests
    • under kvpaxos_elixir, type mix test
  • Check paxos_test.exs and kv_paxos_test.exs under kvpaxos_elixir/test/ for simple usage examples
  • To run across remote nodes, make sure all the nodes have installed Elixir, and on each node under kvpaxos_elixir, do the following:
    • launch REPL iex --sname <nodename>@<IP> --cookie 123 -S mix
      • cookie can be anything, but all the nodes should have the same one
    • Make nodes connect to each other by typing Node.connect(:<nodename>@<IP>)
    • Start servers on some nodes with registry
      • e.g., GenServer.start(Paxos, {{{:global, :Node0}, {:global, :Node1}, {:global, :Node2}}, 0}, name: {:global, :Node0})
    • Now you can type the following to start using Paxos to propose a value
      • e.g., to request a value 1, type{:global, :Node0}, {:start, 1})
    • see

Implementation Details


  • There is a global lock for the log on each paxos node; i.e., the acceptor of a node can only deal with one prepare at any instant
    • in Elixir this is implicitly implemented via Agent, a process storing states
  • Using a logical proposal number (round, id) and all details about it is hided in the src/paxos/proposalNumber.go
    • the max round seen is updated in the accept phase
  • Randomized delay between re-proposes to reduce livelock


  • Golang version is mainly for first ensuring algorithm's correctness
  • Each proposer can only propose for one entry at any instant
  • All paxos communications are synchronous


  • Its tools and environments are more friendly for testing on different nodes
  • All paxos communications are asynchronous
  • Each proposer can propose for multiple entries at the same time