This repo holds collection of Python scripts to analyze trip information extracted from Automatic.

Sample charts

Commute duration

Commute to work duration by departure time

Commute to work duration by day of week

How to use it

Get trip data from Automatic

To extract data from Automatic using their REST API you would need to obtain access token first. Follow the isntructions on Automatic website.

Once you have token, you can fetch the list of your trips from Automatic:

AUTOMATIC_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your token here>
curl "" -H "Authorization:Bearer $AUTOMATIC_ACCESS_TOKEN" | jq '.results' > trips.json

Install Python packages

mkvirtualenv automatic
workon automatic
pip install -q -r requirements.txt

Convert trip data to CVS format

I was too lazy to ingest and parse trip data in json format, so you would need to convert it to CSV first:

python > out.csv

Create charts
