
Simple wrapper for waifu.pics API to get random anime image in markdown. 简单的 waifu.pics API 封装,用于在markdown中获取随机二次原图片

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repo is a fork of weeebdev/waifu.pics, I decided to create a new repo because:

  • The original repo’s name is waifu.pics, if I deploy it to Vercel, the project domain will start with waifu.pics(like: waifu.pics-xxx-xxx.xxx). When I use Chrome to access this domain, I’ll receive Google’s warning: the site may be fake, do you want to visit waifu.pics?

Check my fork repo dreamjz/waifu.pics if you want to know what modification I have made.

English| 简体中文

Simple API wrapped around waifu.pics to be able to get random anime images for markdown (such as GitHub profile).

If this is helpful to you, please consider giving it a star (o゜▽゜)o☆ . Thank you OwO.

Random Wink OvO

Deploy to Vercel

Deploy your own project on Vercel.

Deploy with Vercel

Quick Start

Here are different endpoints for API requests. Endpoints can be updated by the author, please check official docs.

sfw: [
      "waifu", "neko", "shinobu", "megumin", "bully", "cuddle", "cry",
      "hug", "awoo", "kiss", "lick", "pat", "smug", "bonk", "yeet", 
      "blush", "smile", "wave", "highfive", "handhold", "nom", "bite", 
      "glomp", "slap", "kill", "kick", "happy", "wink", "poke", "dance",
nsfw: ["waifu", "neko", "trap", "blowjob"],

Get image

  • Only one endpoint:

    # example


  • Include multiple endpoints, the server will choose one randomly:

    # example


  • For random endpoint, but exclude some:

    # example

Use in markdown

<!-- markdown --->

<!-- html -->
<img src="https://your_domain/type/endpoint" />

