
iOS16+ UIImageView stopAnimating API behavior bug, used for radar

Primary LanguageObjective-C

What's for

TLDR: on iOS 16+, when a UIImageView set with _UIAnimatedImage (created by using UIImage animatedImageWithImages:duration), then stopAnimating can not stop the animation at all.

on iOS 15-, everything works fine.


Just open UIImageViewStopAnimatingBug.xcodeproj, run on devices/simulator, click the Demo's Stop button to see the result. Compared with iOS 16+ and iOS 15-


Use animationImages instead. Stupid but works.

  • From:
imageView.image = animatedImage; // This is a `_UIAnimatedImage`
// Do not need startAnimating, it's automatic start
  • To:
imageView.image = animatedImage.images.firstObject; // This is a `_UIAnimatedImage`
imageView.animationImages = animatedImage.images; // This is a `_UIAnimatedImage`
imageView.animationDuration = animatedImage.duration; // This is a `_UIAnimatedImage`
[imageView startAnimating]; // You must start by yourself (no automatic start unlike the above one)
