
The build environment for the project ruby-slippers

Primary LanguageRuby

RubySlippers Build Environment

A solid build environment is key

I am a ruby head. I love gems. I love Rails and Sinatra and like here, pure Rack apps. I love testing. I HATE bugs. Yep, I fucking hate em. They make my sunny day turn to shit.

On that note you may better understand why I have the system set up this way. This is the BuildEnv, this is what I open in Textmate when I am working on RubySlippers.

This project hosts:

  • base - This is the ruby slippers front end as a pure rack app
  • engine - The ruby slippers engine gem
  • deploy - This is where the app is deployed to to run the integration tests

To Setup the project on your machine AND use my cool build shit

To start off, in this directory, run:

git clone git@github.com:dreamr/ruby-slippers.git base
git clone git@github.com:dreamr/ruby-slippers-engine.git engine
mkdir deploy

To run your tests, in this directory, run:

rake test:unit
rake test:integration

More to come, my girlfriend is 22 today and is rubbing my back, i need to take her for drinks