Pokémon Red and Blue - Kanto Enhanced

This aims to be mostly a fork of that project, however a number of features have been updated, added, and removed. Currently in developement, but is entirely playable if you build it. I recommend waiting until official release though!

Main Features:

  • Smooth 60fps added!
  • New ENBY (non-binary) player choice added in addtion to boy/girl!
  • Girl/Green/Leaf sprite changed to fit gen 1
  • Only original 151 Pokémon are obtainable and will not be changed or expanded
  • All Starters can be obtained through in-game trades with NPCs in addition to your initial choice
  • Dark, Steel and Fairy type added for moves and a few Pokémon
  • Most text has been decapitalized except for Stats, the word "Pokémon", and HM moves
  • Pokémon have genders
  • Updated look of the "Kanto" overworld while keeping the maps very familar
  • Switched Good Rod and Super Rod locations
  • New text speed options: Instant, Fast, and Medium (Fast being the default)
  • Some color adjustments have been made (sprites, etc.) to improve the overal look and feel
  • Newer features such as "Berry Trees" have been added
  • All sprites (Pokémon, trainers, etc.) have been carefully selected to be the best available
  • A few gen 3 Pokémon sprites have been added for some that don't look good in gen 1 or 2 in my opinion such as Paras and Grimer, but still fit properly with others
  • Some areas such as Fuchsia City have been made more accessible and enjoyable (additionally new Safari Pokémon sprites!)
  • New animated Ditto sprite and Bulbasaur added to the Day Care!
  • The Day Care aims to be massively improved with new sprites, a PC in the corner, more accessable entrance, and will be added to the map/Fly
  • Tangela is now exclusive to the Safari Zone!
  • New trades have been added, see list below!
  • Wild Pokémon areas aim to be a balance between Red, Blue and Yellow


  • I would like to ideally make this in the Crystal engine, but would need help with that. Inquire via Discord if you are interested!
  • Add shiny Pokémon
  • Add Pokémon DVs
  • Add DexNav that works similar to ItemFinder, but for a specific Pokémon.
  • Improve moves such as Wrap, etc. and add some new moves (particularly Fairy type, etc.)
  • Improve look of the Town Map

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is this different from Luna's version?

A: The code for this project is much more recent via pokered and actually removes many features that I felt were too "new" for this game. I wanted to update the game but still give it that gen 1 feel. This version does not include any new maps such as Mt. Moon Square, Faraway Island, etc. and Mew is now behind the truck in Vermilion dock instead of Faraway island. Also featuring 60fps, only 151 original Pokémon are available, the gambler in Viridian city is lying down once agin, many sprites were reverted back to gen 1 (overworld Snorlax, some trainer sprites, etc.). Ditto at the Day Care is a new animated sprite and the Day Care in general has been greatly improved visually, but I probably won't be using the egg feature because it doesn't make a lot of sense without baby Pokémon. In-game trades have also been changed, among various other features.

Q: Are all Pokémon available?

A: All original 151 Pokémon are obtainable and carefully placed throughout the map or available through trades, Celedon Prize Room, or gifts. No Pokémon past gen 1.

Q: Is MISSINGNO still an issue?

A: I'm probably going to make MISSINGNO a properly numbered Pokémon for less problems, but haven't implemented that yet.

Q: Is Mew available?

A: Mew is behind the truck and should be accessable after getting 4+ gym badges

Q: What are the new in-game trades?

A: As follows:

Give: Marowak Get: Haunter (evolves!)

Give: Pikachu Get: Staryu

Give: Hypno Get: Kadabra (evolves!)

Give: Gloom Get: Bulbasaur

Give: Rhyhorn Get: Graveler (evolves!)

Give: Primeape Get: Machoke (evolves!)

Give: Ninetails Get: Charmander

Q: Is there a Move Deleter/Relearner?

A: There is a new house in Fuchsia City with both a Move Deleter and Relearner added! Also the grandpa of Bill is still next to it.

Q: Will shiny Pokémon be available?

A: Yes, that is something I am currently working on adding

Q: Where are the item balls on route 2?

A: They have been replaced by berry trees for technical reasons but have been changed to hidden items in the same spot.


  • RegularLuna for inspiring me to make this and some of the code is theirs
  • Rainbow Metal Pigeon for code help and support
  • Vortyne for some code taken from PureRGB as well as help and support
  • Rangi42 for making awe-inspiring maps and an awesome map editor
  • Gamefreak/Nintendo of course for making a great, but terribly flawed game

Discord Channel

This is a disassembly of Pokémon Red and Blue.

It builds the following ROMs:

  • Pokemon Red (UE) [S][!].gb sha1: ea9bcae617fdf159b045185467ae58b2e4a48b9a
  • Pokemon Blue (UE) [S][!].gb sha1: d7037c83e1ae5b39bde3c30787637ba1d4c48ce2
  • BLUEMONS.GB (debug build) sha1: 5b1456177671b79b263c614ea0e7cc9ac542e9c4
  • dmgapae0.e69.patch sha1: 0fb5f743696adfe1dbb2e062111f08f9bc5a293a
  • dmgapee0.e68.patch sha1: ed4be94dc29c64271942c87f2157bca9ca1019c7

To set up the repository, see INSTALL.md.