This repository contains implementations of some basic Pathfinding algorithms using languages Java, C, Javascript and C++. Pathfinding algorithms are used in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially in gaming design. In this repository, 3 basic algorithms have been implemented: Breadth-First Search (BFS), Depth-First Search (DFS) and A* Search algorithm. The implementations using C, C++ and Java contain only A* algorithm. The Javascript implementations contain all 3 algorithms and a live DEMO has been implemented, where all algorithms can be executed in a browser. The algorithms can also be compared in this DEMO.
- The folder 'C', contains the implementation for A* in C.
- The folder 'Java', contains the implementation for A* in Java.
- The folder 'Javascript', contains the implementation for A*,BFS and DFS in Javascript, as well as the Demo web implementation.
- The folder 'C++', contains the implementation for A* in C++.
Note: Each folder contains a separate README with more details