- i3-gaps (window manager) + Polybar (status bar)
- Font Awesome (Icons in Polybar) + RobotoMono (Part of Nerd-fonts)
- Betterlockscreen
- Rofi (window switcher, launcher etc use rofi-git)
- Dunst (notification daemon)
- Sardi-Mono (Icon theme used in Rofi)
- Compton (compositor)
- Pywal (Set background and theme everything)
- Arc-theme (GTK Theme)
- rxvt-terminal (Patched version for wideglyphs)
Use the patched rxvt-unicode for best result Need to have transset-df installed for Xterm transparancy to work chmod everything in the /scripts folder and put in /usr/bin or edit i3 config appropriately window switcher, launcher etc use rofi-git