
Gmail phishing page sample

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a sample phishing page designed to demostrate a phishing attempt on google accounts login page.

Inorder to run this project on your local machine you need to install a webserver service like apache to your system.

How to setup

windows enviroment

1.Intall WAMP server to your system.

2.Download this repository and extract the content or clone it to your local machine.

3.Place the extracted content in the www folder in wamp installation folder, (if you install WAMP to C: drive, Your path should be C:/wamp/www)

4.Run the wamp server.

5.Open up the browser and navigate to localhost/Gmail_phishing.

Linux enviroment

1.Install Apache server if it is not already available on the system.

2.Download this repository and extract the content or clone it to your local machine.

3.Place the extracted content in /var/www/html directory.

4.start the apache service using service command.

5.Open up the browser and navigate to localhost/Gmail_phishing.

Blog post about creating the phishing site sample https://knowyoursec.blogspot.com/2017/03/phishing-phishing-is-type-of-social.html