Reference implementation for the BRAVO Challenge encoder/decoder for the class label + confidence level segmentation masks.
The BRAVO CODEC is a specialized compression scheme designed for 2D segmentation maps accompanied by confidence values. It offers an efficient way to store and transmit these kinds of specialized data. The compression is particularly useful for the BRAVO Challenge but can be applied to any project that requires storing segmentation maps with confidence values.
- Lossless compression for class labels.
- Lossy compression for confidence values, with controllable quantization levels.
- Fast compression and decompression using Python's built-in
library. - Portable, with no dependencies other than
You can clone this repository to your local machine using:
git clone
Then, navigate to the folder and you're ready to go.
- Python 3.x
- NumPy
First, import the required functions:
from bravo_codec import bravo_encode, bravo_decode
Then, use your segmentation method to get the class array and confidence array.
class_array, confidence_array = your_segmentation_method(input_image)
encoded_bytes = bravo_encode(class_array, confidence_array)
decoded_class_array, decoded_confidence_array = bravo_decode(encoded_bytes)
You may run a benchmark of the codec, contrasting its performance on real data with a combo of PNG+WebP:
The benchmark has Pillow as an additional dependency.