
📑Project description:

A simple web-application that supports authentication and registration. It is based on 3 models: Manufacturer, Car and Driver, on which you can perform basic CRUD operations. They are interconnected by the following relationships:

  • Car -> Manufacturer : Every Car is associated with a Manufacturer;
  • Driver <--> Car: Every Driver is associated with a Car and vice versa.

App follows a three-tier architecture by separating presentation, application, and data tiers:

  • Controller: handles incoming requests by providing an interface to interact with a user, invokes services to process requests, and displays a response;
  • Service: handles the business logic of the app;
  • DAO: manages and stores the information given by the Service layer.


  • Register as a driver;
  • Log in as a driver;
  • Create/delete a Manufacturer;
  • Create/delete a Car;
  • Create/delete a Driver'
  • Link Driver to Car'
  • Display all the Manufactures;
  • Display all the Cars with all the linked Drivers;
  • Display all the Cars linked with the current authenticated Driver;
  • Display all the Drivers.


  • JDK 11
  • Maven 3.8.6
  • JDBC
  • MySQL 8.0.22
  • Tomcat 9.0.50
  • Servlet 4.0.1
  • JSP
  • JSTL 1.2

▶️Hot to use:

  1. Clone the project;
  2. Set up DB by using the resources/init_db.sql script;
  3. Edit ConnectionUtil class with valid path and credentials;
  4. Configure Tomcat and run the app;

🟢 App is also available by the link!