
Sammy Ofer Notification Bot 🤖

Primary LanguagePython

Sammy Ofer Notification Bot 🤖

"Buy Me A Coffee" Telegram


A small time scheduled (cron) web-scraper to notify of upcoming game events taking place in Sammy Ofer Stadium.

Join the notification #channel on Telegram and enjoy:

  • Single notification for the upcoming event
  • Matchup, average attendance and roadblock times
  • Spam free service
  • Static landing page to be shown on big screen/TV


Web-UI screenshot

Static landing page (link)

Static screenshot

Build it

git clone https://github.com/autogun/sammy_ofer.git
cd sammy_ofer
docker build . -t sammy_ofer

Run it

docker run -d --name sammy_ofer \
    --publish 5000:5000 \
    --restart=on-failure \
    --env TELEGRAM_CHANNEL_ID=<required> \
    --env TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<required> \
    --env GH_PAT (optional) \


pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run --port=5001


  • Cron configuation (some sort of UI?)
  • Delete option currently does absolutely nothing
  • Use SQLite instead of a dictionary file