
A puppet module to install atlassian stash

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

#puppet-stash Puppet Forge Build Status

####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with Stash
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  8. Testing - How to test the Stash module
  9. Contributors


This is a puppet module to install Atlassian Stash. On-premises source code management for Git that's secure, fast, and enterprise grade.

##Module Description

This module installs/upgrades Atlassian's Enterprise source code management tool. The Stash module also manages the stash configuration files with Puppet.

##Setup ###Stash Prerequisites

  • Stash requires a Java Developers Kit (JDK) or Java Run-time Environment (JRE) platform to be installed on your server's operating system. Oracle JDK / JRE (formerly Sun JDK / JRE) versions 7 and 8 and Open JDK/ JRE versions 7 and 8 are currently supported by Atlassian.

  • Stash requires a relational database to store its configuration data. This module currently supports PostgreSQL 8.4 to 9.x and MySQL 5.x. We suggest using puppetlabs-postgresql/puppetlabs-mysql modules to configure/manage the database. The module uses PostgreSQL as a default.

  • Whilst not required, for production use we recommend using nginx/apache as a reverse proxy to Stash. We suggest using the jfryman/nginx puppet module.

###What Stash affects If installing to an existing Stash instance, it is your responsibility to backup your database. We also recommend that you backup your Stash home directory and that you align your current Stash version with the version you intend to use with puppet Stash module.

You must have your database setup with the account user that Stash will use. This can be done using the puppetlabs-postgresql and puppetlabs-mysql modules.

When using this module to upgrade Stash, please make sure you have a database/Stash home backup. We plan to include a class for backing up the stash home directory in a future release.

As RHEL 6 and its derivatives do not include a version of git that will work by default with stash. We enable the repoforge module as a default if it is not already enabled. Whilst this is not best practice, it is better than the module not working for inexperienced users. By default we will upgrade git if it is already installed and the repoforge repository is not enabled. Default: true. You can turn all this functionality off with 'repoforge => false' and manage git outside of the module.

When upgrading stash from < 3.8.0 to >= 3.8.0 puppet will notify the stash service to restart for two puppet runs. This is because the stash upgrade makes file attribute and content changes to the stash-config.properties. See issue #74

###Beginning with Stash This puppet module will automatically download the Stash tar.gz from Atlassian and extracts it into /opt/stash/atlassian-stash-$version. The default Stash home is /home/stash.

#####Basic examples

  class { 'stash':
    javahome    => '/opt/java',
  class { 'stash':
    version        => '3.3.0',
    javahome       => '/opt/java',
    dburl          => 'jdbc:postgresql://stash.example.com:5433/stash',
    dbpassword     => $stashpass,

Schedule a weekly git garbage collect for all repositories.

  class { 'stash::gc': }

Enable external facts for stash version.

  class { 'stash::facts': }

Enable a stash backup

  class { 'stash':
    backup_ensure       => present,
    backupclientVersion => '1.6.0',
    backup_home         => '/opt/stash-backup',
    backupuser          => 'admin',
    backuppass          => 'password',
    backup_keep_age     => '3d',

A complete example with postgres/nginx/stash is available here or in the examples directory. #####Upgrades

######Upgrades to Stash

Stash can be upgraded by incrementing this version number. This will STOP the running instance of Stash and attempt to upgrade. You should take caution when doing large version upgrades. Always backup your database and your home directory. The stash::facts class is required for upgrades.

  class { 'stash':
    javahome => '/opt/java',
    version  => '3.4.0',
  class { 'stash::facts': }

If the stash service is managed outside of puppet the stop_stash paramater can be used to shut down stash.

  class { 'stash':
    javahome   => '/opt/java',
    version    => '3.4.0',
    stop_stash => 'crm resource stop stash && sleep 15',
  class { 'stash::facts': }

######Upgrades to the Stash puppet Module mkrakowitzer-deploy has been replaced with nanliu-staging as the default module for deploying the Stash binaries. You can still use mkrakowitzer-deploy with the staging_or_deploy => 'deploy'. nanliu-staging can not cleanup after itself, you may need to prune your /opt/staging directory if you upgrade often.

  class { 'stash':
    javahome          => '/opt/java',
    staging_or_deploy => 'deploy',


This module also allows for direct customization of the JVM, following Atlassian's recommendations

This is especially useful for setting properties such as HTTP/https proxy settings. Support has also been added for reverse proxying stash via Apache or nginx.

####A more complex example

  class { 'stash':
    version        => '2.2.0',
    installdir     => '/opt/atlassian/atlassian-stash',
    homedir        => '/opt/atlassian/application-data/stash-home',
    javahome       => '/opt/java',
    downloadURL    => 'http://example.co.za/pub/software/development-tools/atlassian/',
    dburl          => 'jdbc:postgresql://dbvip.example.co.za:5433/stash',
    dbpassword     => $stashpass,
    service_manage => false,
    jvm_xms        => '1G',
    jvm_xmx        => '4G',
    java_opts      => '-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy.example.co.za -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxy.example.co.za -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=\"localhost||172.*.*.*|10.*.*.*|*.example.co.za\"',
    proxy          => {
      scheme       => 'https',
      proxyName    => 'stash.example.co.za',
      proxyPort    => '443',
    staging_or_deploy => 'deploy',
    tomcat_port    => '7991'
  class { 'stash::facts': }
  class { 'stash::gc': }

A Hiera example

This example is used in production for 500 users in an traditional enterprise environment. Your mileage may vary. The dbpassword can be stored using eyaml hiera extension.

# Stash configuration
stash::version:        '3.4.0'
stash::installdir:     '/opt/atlassian/atlassian-stash'
stash::homedir:        '/opt/atlassian/application-data/stash-home'
stash::javahome:       '/opt/java'
stash::dburl:          'jdbc:postgresql://dbvip.example.co.za:5433/stash'
stash::service_manage: false
stash::downloadURL:    'http://example.co.za/pub/software/development-tools/atlassian'
stash::jvm_xms:        '1G'
stash::jvm_xmx:        '4G'
stash::java_opts: >
  - 'http_proxy=proxy.example.co.za:8080'
  - 'https_proxy=proxy.example.co.za:8080'
  scheme:     'https'
  proxyName:  'stash.example.co.za'
  proxyPort:  '443'
stash::staging_or_deploy: 'deploy'
stash::stash_stop: '/usr/sbin crm resource stop stash'



####Public Classes

  • stash: Main class, manages the installation and configuration of Stash.
  • stash::facts: Enable external facts for running instance of Stash. This class is required to handle upgrades of Stash. As it is an external fact, we chose not to enable it by default.
  • stash::gc: Schedule a weekly git garbage collect for all repositories
  • stash::backup: Schedule a backup of stash

####Private Classes

  • stash::install: Installs Stash binaries
  • stash::config: Modifies Stash/tomcat configuration files
  • stash::service: Manage the Stash service.


####Stash parameters#### #####javahome Specify the java home directory. No assumptions are made re the location of java and therefore this option is required. Default: undef #####version Specifies the version of Stash to install, defaults to latest available at time of module upload to the forge. It is recommended to pin the version number to avoid unnecessary upgrades of Stash #####format The format of the file stash will be installed from. Default: 'tar.gz' #####installdir The installation directory of the stash binaries. Default: '/opt/stash' #####homedir The home directory of stash. Configuration files are stored here. Default: '/home/stash' #####manage_usr_grp Whether or not this module will manage the stash user and group associated with the install. You must either allow the module to manage both aspects or handle both outside the module. Default: true #####user The user that stash should run as, as well as the ownership of stash related files. Default: 'stash' #####group The group that stash files should be owned by. Default: 'stash' #####uid Specify a uid of the stash user. Default: undef #####gid Specify a gid of the stash user: Default: undef #####context_path Specify context path, defaults to ''. If modified, Once Stash has started, go to the administration area and click Server Settings (under 'Settings'). Append the new context path to your base URL. #####tomcat_port Specify the port that you wish to run tomcat under, defaults to 7990

####database parameters####

#####dbuser The name of the database user that stash should use. Default: 'stash' #####dbpassword The database password for the database user. Default: 'password' #####dburl The uri to the stash database server. Default: 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/stash' #####dbdriver The driver to use to connect to the database. Default: 'org.postgresql.Driver'

####MySQL parameters####

#####mysql_connector_manage Manage the MySQL java connector. Defaults to true. #####mysql_connector_version Specifies the version of MySQL Java Connector you would like installed. Defaults to '5.1.36' #####mysql_connector_installdir Installation directory of the MySQL connector. Defaults to '/opt/MySQL-connector'

####JVM Java parameters####

#####jvm_xms Default: '256m' #####jvm_xmx Default: '1024m' #####jvm_optional Default: '-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError' #####jvm_support_recommended_args Default: '' #####java_opts Default: ''

####Tomcat parameters####

#####proxy Reverse https proxy configuration. See examples for more detail. Default: {}

####Miscellaneous parameters####

#####downloadURL Where to download the stash binaries from. Default: 'http://www.atlassian.com/software/stash/downloads/binary/' #####service_manage Should puppet manage this service? Default: true #####$service_ensure Manage the stash service, defaults to 'running' #####$service_enable Defaults to 'true' #####$stop_stash If the stash service is managed outside of puppet the stop_stash paramater can be used to shut down stash for upgrades. Defaults to 'service stash stop && sleep 15' #####git_manage Should stash manage the git package. Can be 'true' or 'false', defaults to true. #####git_version The version of git to install. Default: 'installed' #####repoforge Enable the repoforge yum repository by default for RHEL as stash requires a newer version of git. By default we will upgrade git to a supported version if it is already installed and the repoforge repository was not enabled. Default: true #####$staging_or_deploy Choose whether to use nanliu-staging, or mkrakowitzer-deploy. Defaults to 'staging' to use nanliu-staging as it is puppetlabs approved. Alternative option is 'deploy' to use mkrakowitzer-deploy. #####config_properties Extra configuration options for stash (stash-config.properties). See https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/STASH/Stash+config+properties for available options. Must be a hash, Default: {}

####Backup parameters#### #####backup_ensure Enable or disable the backup cron job. Defaults to present. #####backupclientVersion The version of the backup client to install. Defaults to '1.6.0' #####backup_home Home directory to use for backups. Backups are created here under /archive. Defaults to '/opt/stash-backup'. #####backupuser The username to use to initiate the stash backup. Defaults to 'admin' #####backuppass The password to use to initiate the stash backup. Defaults to 'password' #####backup_keep_age How long to keep the backup archives for. You can choose seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks by specifying the first letter of any of those words (e.g., ‘1w’). Specifying 0 will remove all files.


  • Puppet 3.4+
  • Puppet Enterprise

The puppetlabs repositories can be found at: http://yum.puppetlabs.com/ and http://apt.puppetlabs.com/

  • RedHat / CentOS 5/6/7
  • Ubuntu 12.04 / 14.04
  • Debian 7

We plan to support other Linux distributions and possibly Windows in the near future.

##Development Please feel free to raise any issues here for bug fixes. We also welcome feature requests. Feel free to make a pull request for anything and we make the effort to review and merge. We prefer with tests if possible.

##Testing - How to test the Stash module Using [puppetlabs_spec_helper](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs_spec_helper). Simply run: ``` bundle install && bundle exec rake spec ``` to get results. ``` /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 -S rspec spec/classes/stash_config_spec.rb spec/classes/stash_facts_spec.rb spec/classes/stash_install_spec.rb spec/classes/stash_service_spec.rb spec/classes/stash_upgrade_spec.rb --color ldapname is deprecated and will be removed in a future version .......................

Finished in 2.02 seconds 23 examples, 0 failures

Using [Beaker - Puppet Labs cloud enabled acceptance testing tool.](https://github.com/puppetlabs/beaker)

run (Additional yak shaving may be required):

BEAKER_set=ubuntu-server-12042-x64 bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_set==debian-73-x64 bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_set==centos-64-x64 bundle exec rake beaker


* Jaco Van Tonder
* Merritt Krakowitzer merritt@krakowitzer.com
* Sebastian Cole
* Geoff Williams
* Bruce Morrison