Kanban Board Backend


This is the example of usage Serverless framework: Kanban-board (Backend: Python/Serverless Framework)

Full description Here

Structure of the code

  • serverless.yml Describes serverless framework configurations including endpoints.
  • requirements.txt All requirements for an AWS Lambda docker container. For proper usage all dependencies you have to use this plugin


Database related config.

  • docker-compose.yml The local setup of PostgreSQL DB.
  • init.sql This script will be run automatically before the DB initialization (local stage). It has to be executed on a PROD DB before usage.
  • prod_postgres_config.env: You have to write it by you own. Config file with credentials to a PostgreSQL DB. prod is a part of the file name that is pointing to a stage. Stage have to be defined in the KANBAN_BOARD_STAGE env. variable. By default, it was defined in the serverless.yml file. It could be replaced if you are working at local/dev stage.

example of local stage <local_postgres_config.env>:



All logic and models related to the tasks.


Examples of the JSON-files that could be used for testing AWS Lambda functions locally/remotely.


For the local testing we could use db\docker-compose.yml and PostgreSQL inside it. Production database have to be setup in advance. It could be Amazon RDS.


The Serverless framework with AWS Lambda.


All endpoints act as HTTP POST requests and consume JSON with parameters.

  • new: {"task":"<TASK_NAME>"}
  • start: {"task":"<TASK_NAME>"}
  • resolve: {"task":"<TASK_NAME>"}
  • tasks: {"status": "done"}
  • get_elapsed_time: {"task":"<TASK_NAME>"}
  • get_cost: {"task":"<TASK_NAME>"}

OpenAPI spec

OpenAPI 3.0 specification available at kanban-0.2-resolved.yaml file


Run in Postman

Local development

To make local development process as simply as possible, all AWS Lambda functions replicated in Flask RestFul


Pytest with pytest-order plugin used. Warning! The test is superdumb. There is no DB mocking and in setup get rid all data before usage. So, test it only on a Test DB.

Useful commands

Start a local db with the docker-compose

cd db
docker-compose up

Deploy to the serverless/AWS

sls deploy


https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/ https://app.serverless.com/dremdem https://aws.amazon.com/ru/blogs/mobile/building-real-time-serverless-apis-with-postgres-cdk-typescript-and-aws-appsync/ https://hasura.io/blog/building-stateful-apps-using-serverless-postgres-and-hasura/ https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/dialects/postgresql.html https://dev.to/martzcodes/aws-sam-local-with-postgres-ogh https://youtu.be/Ph3N9UuOovA https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/tutorial/metadata.html#tutorial-orm-table-metadata http://dev.nando.audio/2014/04/01/large_apps_with_sqlalchemy__architecture.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34751814/build-postgres-docker-container-with-initial-schema https://gist.github.com/onjin/2dd3cc52ef79069de1faa2dfd456c945 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62681011/psycopg2-does-not-work-with-serverless-framework-deployment-on-aws-lambda https://www.ontestautomation.com/writing-tests-for-restful-apis-in-python-using-requests-part-1-basic-tests/ https://pytest-ordering.readthedocs.io/