- 0
- 2
- 1
upgrade to support dbt-core v1.8.0
#222 opened by dataders - 5
Partition by should not quote the items
#201 opened by Conq1 - 1
Add depend strategy for reflections
#184 opened by darian-heede - 1
Allow grants to work with roles
#177 opened by maxfirman - 0
- 31
- 0
Replace ilikes in dbt-dremio to enhance performance
#145 opened by ArgusLi - 0
- 0
Allow for setting of custom schema for view pointing to materialized tables
#240 opened by ethanberrett - 2
- 0
- 1
- 1
[Bug]: Validation of view sql failed. Version context for table nessie.names must be specified using AT SQL syntax
#241 opened by ahmedshamma2008 - 0
[Bug]: Environment Variable Not Parsing
#239 opened by jdbodyfelt - 0
- 1
- 3
[Bug]: 'dict object' has no attribute 'CompilationError' for incremental + merge strategy
#230 opened by kenho811 - 0
[Bug]: Override of `ref` macro does not support packages or the "version" keyword argument
#232 opened by maxfirman - 2
- 1
- 1
- 0
upgrade to support dbt-core v1.7.0
#209 opened by dataders - 6
[Bug]: "Can not create a folder inside a [SOURCE]" when writing table into object storage
#195 opened by mxmarg - 0
upgrade to support dbt-core v1.6.0
#191 opened by dataders - 2
- 1
[Bug]: dbt model "incremental" creates a _tmp table - want that to be created as iceberg table
#208 opened by raghuj5222 - 5
[Bug]: Raw reflection config options throws 'dict object' has no attribute 'CompilationError'
#190 opened by wilso - 2
[Bug]: dbt incremental model takes extremely long to finish when run against large table
#211 opened by mxmarg - 5
[Bug]: Reflection bug: The name argument to ref() must be a string, got <class 'jinja2.runtime.Undefined'>
#193 opened by Conq1 - 3
- 2
- 13
- 3
- 2
[Bug]: reflection generation is broken
#202 opened by donatobarone - 2
- 0
populate PyPI homepage with contents of README
#199 opened by dataders - 3
- 0
Update dbt-dremio v1.5.0 release date in changelog.
#187 opened by ArgusLi - 2
upgrade to support dbt-core v1.5.0
#179 opened by dataders - 0
Upgrade Requests to 2.31.0
#183 opened by ArgusLi - 0
Upgrade sqlparse to 0.4.4
#180 opened by ArgusLi - 9
Parenthesis removal in VDS creation
#167 opened by Alain-Barrette - 8
Temp tables stay in source
#136 opened by andersbogsnes - 0
Insecure Request Warning
#142 opened by ravjotbrar - 1
- 10
- 0
Create issue template
#128 opened by ravjotbrar - 0
Update README to reflect changes due to new release
#126 opened by ArgusLi