
Multiboot USB drive creation


Multiboot flash drive creation

Core statements

  • Linux boots Linux
  • no boring installs, just cp my.iso /to/my/usb_drive/
  • do best for known distro images, try to boot random (even if they do not want to)

Software involved

Boot process

  • Syslinux, or another bootloader, boots the NetbootCD image
  • User scramble through dialogs, and select an image to boot
  • kexec loads the kernel from the selected image, using improved initrd with improved cmdline
  • mbd takes control before the initrd /init, and performs distro specific preparations
  • initrd /init prepare root filesystem
  • mbd take control again, before filesystem switch, and performs some special tasks
  • /init continue boot



Run next commands:

git clone git://github.com/b3b/mbd.git
cd mbd




Run configure with the target_device environment variable set to partition device file. If /dev/PARTITION is your USB flash drive partition device file (as "sdx1", or "disk/by-uuid/NNNN"), run

./configure target_device=/dev/PARTITION

Additional options

  • isolinux_dir="DIR" - install to DIR directory on USB flash drive. DIR is "isolinux" by default
  • --without-bootloader - do not install Syslinux bootloader on the device. Use this option to preserve existent bootloader. Need this option if target filesystem is not FAT32
  • mbd_label="LABEL" - set filesystem label to LABEL, "MBOOTDISK" by default

If without-bootloader option is used, it is necessary to set target filesystem label to be the same as mbd_label value. Label can be set with the mlabel command (for FAT32), e2label command (for ext2/ext3/ext4).


On build stage, script will download NetbootCD and Tiny Core Linux live CDs; download and build GNU sedstream editor. Run



Need root privileges. Script will prepare and copy mbd files to the target device. If option without-bootloader is not set, script will install the bootloader (Syslinux) on the target device. Else, if option without-bootloader is used, script will suggest examples of bootloaders menu entries. Run

make install


Put LIVE CDs (*.iso) into the images directory ("isolinux/iso" by default) on your USB flash drive. Example, if MP is flash USB drive mount point:

cp my-cool-live-cds/*.iso MP/isolinux/iso/
mkdir MP/isolinux/iso/Debian
cp my-cool-live-debian-cds/*.iso MP/isolinux/iso/Debian/

Boot from USB flash drive, and follow the menus


From mbd source directory, run

make uninstall

Special Use

Add desktop link to Live CD desktop. Run configure with the desktop_link environment variable set. Example:

./configure target_device=/dev/PARTITION desktop_link='http://xn--c1apc3a.xn--p1ai/'

Boot Live CD from running system (if system has kexec support enabled, and dialog program installed). Example, if MP is flash USB drive mount point:

cd MP/isolinux
mkdir /tmp/mbd
sh mbd_menu -t /tmp/mbd

Tested with

Debian Livework
Linux Mint CDwork
Sabayon Linuxwork
SliTaz LiveCDwork
Tiny Core Linuxwork
Damn Small Linuxnot work
Slaxnot work