
Eric Hsu's Home Page

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Contact Info

Eric's head
  • Eric Hsu, Professor and Chair, Mathematics Department
  • Partner Director, Center for Science and Math Education
  • San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132
  • erichsu@sfsu.edu

Meeting With Me


Curriculum Vitae

  • My Curriculum Vitae lists:
    • all past grant funded projects, with links to more information
    • publications, many with PDF links
    • presentations, some with linked talk notes
    • list of supervised theses and expository papers
    • service activities

Current Grants

  • 6/1/2019-5/31/2024. co-PI, STAJES. NSF Noyce Track 1 #1852881. ($945,843 / 5y)
  • Past grants are listed on my Curriculum Vitae.

Teaching and Old Syllabuses

Math Education Essays and Talks

Some Software and Web Sites I've Written

  • LaTeX Tidy, open-source Perl hack to clean up LaTeX files
  • TextMate, a great Mac OS X text editor with special features for special text (e.g. programming languages). I wrote the initial Perl and LaTeX bundles, along with various other utilities.
  • Reading Old Microsoft Word 5 Files in Mac OS X. I'm so proud to have figured it out, I had to record the details. 

Out of Date Creations But Maybe Interesting

Supplemental Instruction and Graduate TA Resources (out of date)

Erdos-Bacon Number

Every now and then someone asks what my Erdos number is, and more rarely, what my Bacon number is. You can decide for yourself if my numbers are well-defined, as I use math education papers to calculate Erdos number and TV to calculate Bacon number. (Calculations done May 2010.)

  • My Erdos Number is 4. I coauthored with Diane Resek. / Diane Resek coauthored with Léon Henkin MR0366659 (51 #2906) /  Léon Henkin coauthored with Alfred Tarski MR0124250 (23 #A1564) / Alfred Tarski coauthored with Paul Erdös1 MR0008249 (4,269b).

  • My Bacon Number is 3: When I was in the 7th grade, I was a regular member of a large kid panel on a TV show called Livewire hosted by Fred Newman. Fred Newman (I) was in Harry and the Hendersons with John Lithgow.  John Lithgow was in Footloose with Kevin Bacon.

  • Thus my Erdos-Bacon Number is 7.

  • Bonus: My Black Sabbath Number is 17: Black Sabbath had member Neil Murray / Neil Murray was a member of Colosseum II / Colosseum II had member Gary Moore / Gary Moore was a member of BBM / BBM had member Ginger Baker / Ginger Baker was a member of Masters of Reality / Masters of Reality had member Victor Indrizzo / Victor Indrizzo was a member of Samiam / Samiam had member Tré Cool / Tré Cool was a member of Green Day / Green Day had member Billie Joe Armstrong / Billie Joe Armstrong was a member of Pinhead Gunpowder / Pinhead Gunpowder had member Aaron Cometbus / Aaron Cometbus was a member of Harbinger / Harbinger had member Robert Eggplant / Robert Eggplant was a member of the Hope Bombs / The Hope Bombs had member Eric Hsu.

  • Therefore my Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath number is 24.